Friday, September 7, 2012

Work of Honor--Privilege of Prayer


Part 1 of 7 in Work of Honor devotional seriesa

Romans 15:22-33

Vs. 30:  “I urge you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me.”

Ten year-old Missy sat down on a swing seat during recess from fifth grade, and burst into tears. Her classmates Cassie, Brad, Tiffany, and Jeremy approached, “Missy, what’s wrong?”

“Our home is in foreclosure.” Sniff. “Daddy says we’ve got one week to refinance, or...uh...I’ll be homeless!” Missy cried.

“That’s awful, Missy!” Cassie hugged her friend. “We’ll pray for God to lead your Dad to get whatever’s needed for you to keep your home. Right, guys?”

Apostle Paul understood the power of prayer. He never hesitated asking others to pray for him. His troubles—like ours—seem hopeless. But prayer is our ticket to victory. While Jesus told us to expect trouble (John 16:33), He gives believers peace. “But take heart! I have overcome the world!”

Prayer is a privilege. It’s an honor to pray to God Almighty! While people often can’t talk one-on-one to important people here on earth, God’s kids can talk to Him anytime!

Why would believers freak out, worry, or stress when help is a prayer away? But for too many Christians, prayer is their last hope. Why? They want to handle trouble by their own power! They resist bothering God with their problems. They believe the devil’s lie, He’s already too busy helping others.

Nothing is further from the truth! Jesus “bothered” His Father all the time, going off alone to pray (Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12, 9:28, 11:1). If prayer weren’t vital to His followers’ spiritual growth, He wouldn’t have taught us how to pray (Matthew 6:7-13). This daily communication should become habit for all Christians. Prayer is talking over our lives with God, Who cares passionately about what’s happening. Daily chats with Jesus build a strong relationship with our Master.

Prayer is power. It only costs a few minutes of time, and is the best gift we can give to someone who’s hurting. Apostle Paul wouldn’t dare preach or build churches without God’s power! Why waste his time to serve unsuccessfully?

That’s why most churches form “prayer circles.” Prayer moves people through trouble straight to victory.

Take Home Nugget

Prayer is such a big deal that we’ll spend all September learning intercessory prayer (in-ter-SESS-or-ee means praying on another’s behalf). Will Missy’s Dad be able to refinance their home?

Lord, help us to pray for those in need.

Help us show others love by word and deed.

aJack Hayford with Rebecca Hayford Bauer, Penetrating the Darkness (Chosen, Michigan: a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2011), 31.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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