Friday, June 1, 2012

No Sugarcoating


#1 of 7 devotions in Salvation series

Revelation 20:12

“And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened.”

These past few devotions, The Rapture, Where Are We? And He’s Coming, may have rattled readers. If a child or young person were to read things while alone, who would answer troubling questions? The reader could be shocked, and dismayed. The future could very well be totally different from the past. We often take the past for granted because it’s safe. It’s behind us. It’s history.

But today is different than yesterday. We’re one day closer to extraordinary events that the Bible predicts will happen. An upfront warning: these devotions are designed to reveal these events, but not to cause anyone distress. Extraordinary events may be troubling to some. But even said as gently as possible, I will not sugarcoat the Gospel of Christ.

Rather, things are explained in ways to uplift and encourage readers. Believers’ security is ultimately being children of God. John 10:28 assures us that our safety is in Jesus Christ. To all who believe in Him: “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand.”

And yet, Pastor John MacArthur calls Revelation 20:11-15 “the most serious, sobering, and tragic passage in the entire Bible...It is the last courtroom scene that will ever take place...There will be a prosecutor, but no defender; an accuser, but no advocate.”1

Jesus is the believer’s defender, but there are billions of people who will be defenseless, like Pastor John says. Not everyone believes in God. Not everyone believes in Jesus Christ. When Jesus willingly died on the cross, His sacrifice included the Father’s wrath for our sins. “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani” Jesus cried out on the cross. This means, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46).

The Father couldn’t even look upon His Son with our sins piled on Him! For the first time—EVER—Their relationship was broken. Even though Jesus knew this had to happen, because the Father’s holiness cannot abide sin, Jesus was shocked at His aloneness! This is exactly how unsaved people feel when they’re eternally separated from God--true hell.

Are you ready to claim the Kingdom of God with no fear? Let’s get started! 1Timothy 1:15b shares Jesus’ purpose: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” That’s me. That’s you.

Take Home Nugget

If you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Savior, why not embrace Him today? Upcoming devotions will guide you on the path of salvation. The future’s extraordinary events require courage.

Heaven is achieved only through One:

Believing in God’s only begotten Son.

1John MacArthur, Because the Time is Near (Chicago: Moody, 2007), 305, 311.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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