Tuesday, December 6, 2011

God's Names


Psalm 52:9

“I will praise You forever for what You have done; in Your name I will hope, for Your name is good. I will praise You in the presence of Your saints.”

Previous God’s Name devotion urged readers to stop saying, “Oh my God!” as a point of emphasis in casual conversation. Saying that phrase is irreverent; totally disrespectful speech referring to the creator of the universe. And whoever says that phrase—other than when in dire need for God to save—will be punished. (Maybe not immediately, but eventually.  The Bible puts great emphasis on names).

This new devotion intends to sow seeds of revering God with how we speak His name. God has many names, and they stand for: His character, Who He is, and what He does. They represent the principles and promises in the Bible. Check out God’s names, below:

Name   /     What it means

Yahweh or Jehovah   /  God is the self-existent and independent One

El Shaddai   / Almighty God

El Elyon  /   God Most High

Yahweh-Jireh   /  The Lord will provide

Yahweh-Tsidkenu  /   The Lord our righteousness

Elohim   /  Creator Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Singular name using plural verb agreement.

El Roi   /  the God Who sees

El Shaddai  /   the All-Sufficient One

Adonai  /   the Lord

Jehovah-Rapha   /  the Lord Who heals

Jehovah-Shalom  /   the Lord is peace

Jehovah-Raah  /   the Lord my Shepherd

El Elyon   /  Supreme Ruler

Moses was nervous about leading the Israelites out of Egypt. He asked God how he’d answer if they asked him who sent him to lead them. God told Moses, “Tell them I AM sent me to you” (Exodus 4:14). Who would dare argue with that?

Ancient banners were made out of wood or metal. Shaped into various emblems, they were then fastened to the bare staff of a long pole. These banners often served as a rallying point for troops in battle, announcing victory. They stood for the ideals and aspirations of whomever carried them, arousing devotion to a nation, a cause, or a leader. When Moses led the Israelites into battle against the Amalekites, he held a banner calling on God’s power. This banner was named Yahweh Nissi which meant the Lord is my Banner.

Take Home Nugget

Our Brother Jesus introduced a new name for His Father, God. When we believe in Jesus, God becomes our Father, too. Jesus invites us to address the Creator of the universe as Father (Romans 8:15). How cool! We may call God by the family name, Abba, or Dad!
Can you agree to never profane our Daddy’s name anymore?

Father God is one totally cool Dude!

He hears every plea and meets every need.

How could we be so thoughtless, so rude

To Him in thought, speech, and deed?

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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