Friday, November 25, 2011

Relationship Love


JOHN 14:21

The Message: “The person who knows My commandments and keeps them, that’s who loves Me. And the person who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and make Myself plain to him.”

(Jesus' words are in Red font;  the Father’s words are in Purple font.)

“God, are You there?”

I’m listening.”

“It’s Frank. You may not know me, but Jesus sent me.”

Welcome!” Door opens wide to show a great cloud. “You’re coming on the best recommendation! Come in. Sit down. What can I do for you, Frank?”

“Well, uh, I’m embarrassed to say.” Hear feet shuffling. “I’ve ignored you all my life.” Pause. “But I’ve fallen and need Your help. Will You help me? Please?”

Tell Me all about it, Frank.”

“Well, I’ve got this roofing business. Many people are depending on me, and my company’s success. We’re doing pretty well, too. But yesterday I fell off a roof. I can’t move, or even open my eyes. My wife’s holding my hand. I can hear her reading from the Bible. I hear her prayers for me to wake up. We’ve got three kids. She needs to be home to take care of them!”

Lisa is very dear to Me. She never stops trying to get you to worship Me.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.”

So what’s your problem, Frank?”

“I didn’t think I had a problem.”

And yet here you are.”

“Right. Here’s the thing: I need to get well and return to work. Seasonal businesses end in bad weather, and it’s almost winter!”


“You don’t get it! Cold weather kills my work. I’ve got to get back to it, Lord. This last project will feed us through the winter. I can’t be off now!”

Did you just call me Lord?”

“Uh. I don’t remember. I suppose I did. Jesus is with me, urging me to pray. He coached me to repent of my sins. He wants me to admit that You don’t owe me a thing.”


“Jesus said to mention His Name. If I could only get on my knees…”

Don’t worry about that.”

“I deserve nothing from You, Lord. I repent of my drinking and gambling. I just want to win the lottery so that I can take care of everyone!”

That’s your excuse?”

“Yeah.” Gulp. “I promise to stop that…if You’ll just heal me.”

Your sins are forgiven, Frank. Wake up and begin serving Me now. If you love Me with your whole heart, I will give you the desires of your heart!” (Psalm 37:4).

Take Home Nugget

Frank opened his eyes.

There is One Who all my needs knows.

Addressing these He promises to supply

Answers to all my woes,

When in faith to Him I cry.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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