Friday, May 27, 2011

Selfless Devotion Honor

Matthew 6:1-6

The Message v.1: “Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God Who made you won’t be applauding.”

Celebrating Memorial Day in the USA is citizens’ appointment to applaud the selfless acts of those who’ve gone before. When at war, our immediate attention is focused on our devoted troops. Their selfless acts of bravery and courage allow us to enjoy freedom without worry. Gratefully, we honor them, and remember them in our prayers for safe return to the homeland.

Hurricane Isabel bore down on Washington, D.C. in September, 2003. The guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in Arlington National Cemetery, were advised to seek shelter. Not one guard ducked the raging storm. They selflessly stood post. The Changing of the Guard clicked heels precisely on time. Honoring their fallen comrades—even in the face of a hurricane—was their highest devotion.

We also honor departed cherished loved ones this holiday. Their selfless devotion continues to show us, guiding us forward on our paths today. Our memories shine warm, welcome reminders of who they were, and what they still mean to us.

But sometimes death comes unexpectedly, shocking those who remain alive. How can children say, “Good-bye” to a parent? Parents are numb when having to bury a child. Sometimes we must do stuff that we don’t want to do. We just don’t understand. It’s so painful. Sometimes, life’s too hard! Enter Jesus. He calms mournful hearts, laying down a blanket of peace. Our loved ones are in His arms, free from heartache and pain. That calm energizes us to go on.

Selfless devotion honors both the giver and the receiver. In the opening Scripture, Jesus teaches anonymous (an-ON-i-mus means secret) serving. He urges us to act without calling attention to ourselves. No one needs to see our good deeds; no one needs to learn of them. Jesus desires our consistent, selfless devotion to Him, this way. Every good deed, every obedience, every act of service is how we worship God each day.

Take Home Nugget

Envision private (and public) moments as gifts to the Lord. Remember times when you didn’t have to be asked twice before obeying a request? (Willing service to God). How about when you weren’t even asked, and did something nice? (Enthusiastic acts of worship). Jesus honors you in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.”

O Lord, help me to persevere this day:
Grant me strength to serve in Your name.
Giving myself in selfless devotion, I say
Thank You for loving me every day the same!

J.D. Griffith

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