Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Boss of the Living and the Dead


(A study of Jesus Part 4 of 4)

Romans 14:7-12

The Message vv. 7-8: “None of us are permitted to insist on our own way in these matters [such as meat over vegetables]. It’s God we are answerable to—all the way from life to death and everything in between—not each other. That’s why Jesus lived and died and lived again: so that He could be our Master across the entire range of life and death, and free us from the petty tyrannies of each other.”

“Is too!” Brad yells.

“No way” Jeremy insists. “The NFC (National Football Conference) is way more talented than the AFC (American Football Conference).”

Cassie stepped in the middle of her fifth-grade classmates before they began duking it out. “Why don’t you use your own talent to settle this between yourselves? Whoever wins a contest—like who can throw the football the farthest—is the winner.”

Cassie’s point makes sense to me. What’re your thoughts?

Apostle Paul had petty arguments like these to settle among the Romans every day. Which day of the week is the most holy? (The church in Rome was a mixture of Gentiles and Jews). Is it better to eat meat over vegetables? Finally, he had to appeal to their common sense. Arguing makes what point? Aren’t we supposed to be united?

Every worker knows what it means to answer to a boss, but their realm (RELM means kingdom) is only the workplace. The word Lord is used most frequently in the New Testament in referring to Jesus Christ. Lord means someone possessing authority, power, and control. Colossians 1:15-18 certifies Jesus as Lord. Jesus’ realm is everything in heaven and on earth. No one—not even they who deny His existence—is free of His rule, or beyond His sphere of influence.

Satan’s gig is to convince us that freedom is found in doing exactly what we want. But true liberty is acquired ONLY through submission to Jesus’ Lordship. Jesus is Lord of the dead, too. No one can escape Him. But the only time people have to decide whether to accept or deny Jesus’ Lordship is while they’re living. After death, everyone will be accountable to Christ’s Lordship, whether they like it or not.

When will you decide that Jesus is your boss? The choice is yours: either voluntarily or involuntarily, everyone will bow the knee to Christ.

Take Home Nugget

Those who experience Christ’s rule over their lives will be the first ones to testify to His loving-kindness, and goodness.

“‘As I live and breathe,’ God says, ‘Every knee will bow before Me; Every tongue will tell the honest truth That I, and only I am God!’” Isaiah 45:23

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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