Friday, February 4, 2011

Anchored-Living: Hope

1Peter 1:3-9
V.8: “Though you have not seen Him [Jesus] now, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”

At the 4-Square game on the school’s playground, Cassie and Missy challenged Jesse and Trevor, all fifth-grade classmates. Cassie’s face lit up when Missy affirmed their anchor-friendship—no matter what (See Soul-Anchored Hope devotion). All God’s kids have the same assurance from Jesus. He’s our best friend through every problem—no matter what!

Many people go through life aspiring to wealth and health, thinking that’s the goal of living. Their security is in stuff. But 1Timothy 6:9 warns, “People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.” Their dreams either go unfulfilled, or fail to satisfy.

Believers anchor their hope in the solid rock of Jesus Christ. His Word is always true, and He’s faithful to keep every promise. Just because we sometimes argue that God comes up short on a promise, doesn’t mean that He didn’t answer prayer. Keep in mind: 1) God knows what’s best, and will always provide the best for His kids (Isaiah 48:17), 2) Your request may not be in line with His will for you at this time, or 3) He chooses to bless you in a different way—that’s even better! (Isaiah 64:4).

The Lord never disappoints anyone who’s seeking His will. He never reneges (re-NIGS means break His word) on a Biblical promise. When one door slams shut in your face, always remember that another door will open to you.

The Lord cannot be outdone!

The best way for God’s kids to remain anchored in living hope is to tether (TETH-er means to join) our hearts to King Jesus. When we welcome whatever is His will for our lives—and reject whatever is not—circumstances shift, and that changes everything. After a short time, we forget what we originally asked for, already embracing what’s received.

Is this magic? No, it’s Jesus!

Take Home Nugget

Cassie slammed the ball into Trevor’s box corner, ending the game of 4-Square as the recess-ending bell sounded. Missy high-fived Cassie as the guys challenged them to a game for tomorrow’s recess. Best friends—no matter what (BFF) is text lingo for “best friends forever” and is what Jesus promises His siblings.

However, people who are without Christ have no anchored-living hope.
My friendship with Jesus
Is fellowship divine;
What blessed, sweet bond—
Jesus, an anchor-friend of mine!

Dedicated to my cuz-friend, Beth Nicholson, who snatched victory from the jaws of imminent defeat.

J.D. Griffith

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