Friday, January 7, 2011

Higher Reality

2Corinthians 5:6-8
v. 7: “We live by faith, not by sight.”

Full throttle for God and Joint Venture devotions began our new year with a bang, if we dare to follow the message. Are you ready for an even more thrilling adventure? This third rail of the partnership guarantees success as we grow deeper into following Jesus.

As humans, we typically measure the world through our five senses. Beyond what our eyes see, ears hear, fingers touch, noses smell, and tongues taste is a higher reality. Our Father commands us to live by faith, not by sight. (This is easier for a kid than an adult because kids naturally trust, adults naturally challenge). The world (non-believers) lives by sight, because it does not believe in God. So what is this live by faith stuff? The Father calls His kids to believe that what the Bible says about Him is true. This trust in the unseen God allows us to live confidently, although non-believers won’t have a clue.

Scripture claims that God is good—and is faithful to keep His promises (2Corinthians 1:20). Psalm 86:15 calls Him merciful, gracious, loving, and slow to anger. Hebrews 13:8 guarantees that God’s character never changes.

The truth of who God is depends totally on Him—not on opinion, circumstance, or feelings. It isn’t anything humans can scientifically measure, so leave your unbelief outside. Ephesians 2:8 points out that belief, or faith, is a gift from the Lord. So, it’s not something we can force on ourselves. But we can pray to the Father, asking Him to give us more faith, especially when we’re unsure.

How do we live by faith, then? Our conduct, lifestyle, and the choices we make show others who’s in charge of our lives. When the Holy spirit is guiding our steps, we purposefully follow. Although we can’t usually see where we’re heading, asking for direction and wisdom maintains peaceful hearts. Confidently putting our trust in God—because we admit that He always knows what’s best—assures us of answered prayers, and that every need will be met.

When attempting to handle life by ourselves, the stress can be overwhelming. Isn’t it a wonderful peace when our God offers us rest? Infinitely wise, perfectly loving, and completely sovereign, our Lord is supremely capable to care for His children.

Take Home Nugget

Never become embarrassed after making a mistake—we all do! Our God is eager to hear repentance, and immediately scoops us back into His embrace. As we grow deeper into this higher reality of focusing on Christ, our trust and belief increase, too!

“Take up your cross” the Savior said,
If you My disciple would be;
With willing heart, humbly
Follow after Me!

J.D. Griffith

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