Friday, April 30, 2010

Bucking the Odds

Judges 7:1-8
Vv. 3, 7: “So twenty-two thousand men left, while ten thousand remained…The Lord said to Gideon, ’With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the other men go, each to his own place.’”

Did you ever hear the phrase, “Bucking the odds?” It means that regardless of how a situation appears, humans reason that defying what appears to be a sure thing is risky.

As we saw in Victory in Obedience devotion, Gideon emerged victorious despite facing tremendous odds. In verse 3 above, Gideon’s original 32,000 men were reduced to 10,000, when 22,000 went home because they were scared. God further trimmed their numbers to just 300. Now Gideon was required to buck the odds for victory.

His defeat seemed imminent (IM-in-ent, meaning impending, forthcoming). Why did God force Gideon to accept these overwhelming odds against Israel’s victory?
Was it to prevent Gideon’s soldiers’ pride? YES! (Judges 7:2). He trimmed Gideon’s troop number down to trivially inconsequential (in-CON-se-quench-ial, meaning unimportant). Just 300 men remained to fight a major battle. To top that, God allowed their being armed only with jars, torches, and trumpets (Judges 7:16). That’s not logical! God’s making no sense! Gideon must have thought. Be reasonable! Gideon must have demanded, stomping his feet.

Was it to build Gideon’s faith and trust? YES! Trusting God is a learned behavior, gained only by experience. Often God places His children in impossible situations so they learn His faithfulness. Our heavenly Father knows the best classroom is where His kids feel utterly helpless.

Was Gideon’s job unreasonable? YES! The Israelites were outnumbered BEFORE God trimmed their numbers. Afterwards, the soldier to opponent ratio was 1:450. It was totally illogical to think they’d win! God’s classroom taught Gideon (his troops, and us) that the Lord’s wisdom and power can be trusted.

Was it for God’s glory? YES! Gideon’s army was so small that there was no way his men could take credit for their victory. Our heavenly Father delights in demonstrating His awesome power through our weakness.
Does Gideon’s story impress you?

Take Home Nugget

Our heavenly Father wants to display His awesome power by bucking the odds in achieving victory. For you. For me. I challenge you to pray about a worry that’s been nagging you. Ask for the Father’s help. Then obey Him…(sometimes it’s just to watch and wait). Thank Him, for His answer is imminent. BELIEVE and trust His faithfulness. I dare you to buck the odds. I dare you to be enchanted with God’s awesome power.

J.D. Griffith

When God gives a command or a vision of truth, it is never a question of what He will do, but what WE will do.”
Henrietta Mears

Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Bucking the Odds

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Victory in Obedience

Judges 7:9-25
V. 8: “So Gideon sent the rest of the Israelites to their tents but kept the three hundred, who took over the provisions and trumpets of the others.”

“How do you think we can win this battle with only trumpets, jars, and torches, Jerub-Baal(Gideon's name)?” Gideon’s soldier wondered aloud (Judges 7:16). He looked around. The Midianites, Amalekites, and other eastern peoples encamped around the Israelites. “We’re surrounded!” he shrieked.

“Why did you release almost 32,000 men, Gideon?” another soldier inquired. “The enemy is as thick as locusts in the valley. Their camels are too numerous to count!” (Judges 7:3-12).

Gideon was quaking in his boots, pacing back and forth. Running his fingers through his hair, he knew his battle tactics were crazy. Why aren’t we taking our swords? he thought. Three hundred men, armed with only trumpets, pitchers, and torches—against these Midianites? Is God kidding? What a pitiful army! Dare I attempt warfare the traditional way—with swords? DUH! We had a formable 33,000 troops before I dismissed so many! Oh my! Give me strength, Lord!

The Lord’s ways can seem illogical, risky, even stupid. Can we trust His indisputable wisdom, depend on His sovereign mighty power? God tends to blast our comfort zones into orbit, torching our self-reliance to dust when teaching us trust. His battle tactic is successful at building both trust and faith. He also recognizes our fragility, spotting every weakness, knowing our vulnerability, and compassionately supplies us courage. He allowed Gideon a sneak peek, a preview of the upcoming battle.

Gideon and his servant, Purah, sneaked into the outskirts of the enemies’ camp. They overheard a soldier’s dream. “A round loaf of barley bread came tumbling into the Midianite camp. It smashed the tent to smithereens.”
Another man replied, “This can only mean that God guarantees Gideon’s victory!” (Judges 7:13-14).

Gideon and Purah backed out, and returned to their own camp. Gideon’s heart swelled with courage, proud to serve His awesome God. Jehovah knew I’m too wimpy to believe Him without giving me this assurance he thought. “Prepare for battle, Purah. We’ve got a war to win!”

In the enemies confusion and fear of darkness, panic led to their self-destruction (Judges 7:22).

Take Home Nugget

If Gideon had disobeyed the Lord and refused to discharge so many troops, or attacked the enemy with swords drawn, the Israeli army would have been utterly defeated. But when God’s kids obey divine commands—despite that they seem irrationally foolish—victory is guaranteed.

When we work in obedience, God works behind the scenes, ensuring our victory.

Go forward, dear child.
Make no mistake, this battle looks ludicrous.
Fear not. For you, the Father is mild.
Your course will never be ridiculous
J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Written for

Friday, April 23, 2010

Growing Up

Hebrews 5:8-9
“Although He [Jesus] was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered and, once made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him…”

Kedah held the spoon of strained peaches to her brother Salaam’s mouth. “When can we feed him real food, Mama?”
“Kedah, you are feeding him REAL food! Strained fruit is just easier for him to digest inside his tiny body. When he grows up some, he’ll be able to digest solid food. ”

“Like food that he’ll have to chew?”

“Yes. He needs teeth to chew! Baby bodies take baby steps to grow into children. He’ll grow up from taking baby steps to running—then you’ll remember the days when you were his boss!”

Kedah’s eager for her little brother to grow up and play with her. God is excited, too, for His children to grow up and eat His solid food (Hebrews 5:12-14). While Jesus had no problem submitting to the Father, He shows His siblings (you and me) how to submit our will to Him.
Flesh man (believer’s residue from our old nature—transforms into Spiritual man, after salvation) resists submitting control to another (see Spiritual Hierarchy devotion). Our heavenly Father longs to bless us with His best. The only way this happens is when we embrace His will for our lives, and follow the Holy Spirit’s lead.

Choosing to relinquish (ri-LING-kwesh, meaning to give up, abandon) control over our lives, and yielding to God’s will ends our being tossed about on the Flesh Man/Spiritual Man roller coaster. This marks our graduating from milk to solid food in our Spiritual diet of growth.
1Peter 2:2 says, “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that you may grow up in your salvation…taste that the Lord is good.”

Without the Spirit’s control, the Natural man and Flesh man are spiritual babies, ruling the person by desires, rights, and expectations. Until Biblical truths (milk) are grasped and applied to their lives, they cannot grasp the deeper things of Scripture (solid) food. Solid food is for the mature. When do we grow out of drinking Spiritual milk, the building blocks of our growth? Growing up into solid food lays the foundation for mature faith in God (Hebrews 6:1-3).

Until then, believers’ spiritual growth is marking time, stagnant.
Courageous warriors, march forward to your victory!

Take Home Nugget

Giving up control is difficult. But with God Almighty residing inside believers, what’s our problem? Can we surrender, rely on, and trust God?

A Prayer: Lord, teach us to surrender ourselves into Your capable, strong hands. May Your desire be our desire, Your will be our will. May You be known and exalted by our every thought, word, and deed. AMEN

J.D. Griffith
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stepping Faith Forward

Deuteronomy 10:12-13
The Message: “So now Israel [you and me], what do you think God expects from you? Just this: Live in His presence in holy reverence, follow the road He sets out for you, love Him, serve God, your God, with everything you have in you, obey His commands and the regulations of God that I’m commanding you today—live a good life.”

Did you ever get a basketball for a present? What does a basketball demand from you? It hates being carried. It hates being stuffed into a closet. “Bounce me!” it pleads. Are you like me? I cannot resist bouncing it—dribbling to a basket, and tossing it through—retrieving it and bouncing it again.

Great Commission Gift devotion talks about a very special gift, or gifts from God through His Holy Spirit. While young believers can be overwhelmed with everything new, (a new nature, a new family), giving them Jesus’ awesome command to make disciples is often just too much.
Whew! Just give me a minute to breathe!

Yet, too often new believers take too long to breathe. Yes, becoming a new Christian is amazing. Understanding what all comes to the new believer is beyond measure, and isn’t comprehended at one time. Fortunately, for us, the indwelling Holy Spirit reminds us to keep moving forward.

It’s rarely a good idea to move backwards. Marking time is good for catching one’s breath, but even a soldier’s marking time steps him or her forward. How can we cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s gracious work in us, and continue stepping faith forward? Let’s examine taking one step at a time.

The Bible assures us that God is faithful, keeping every promise. For example, He guarantees believers His constant presence, wisdom—for the asking,—and peace when we remain focused on Him.

We grow in confidence that He answers every prayer. So we anticipate His promises and answers to prayer.

Spending time daily in His Word teaches us perception. We become aware of His involvement in our lives.

Hebrews 4:16 tells us to pray boldly, because we’re His children. This isn’t pride. We have confidence from an overflowing fountain of assurance—what power!

The true test of your stepping your faith forward is obeying the Holy Spirit’s lead.
God will not overload you with more than you’re ready to handle. His growth is day by day, one step at a time. What’s important is that we step forward—not backward, not stagnant by marking time.
Just like dribbling a basketball!

Take Home Nugget

With each step forward, God promises to shape us more like His Son, Jesus. This process is called Sanctification (sanc-tif-i-KA-shon). This beautification continues throughout our lives.
Stepping faith forward marks the beauty of Spirit-led life.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Written for

Friday, April 16, 2010

Great Commission Gift

1Peter 4:10

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in various forms.”

Hearing Jesus’ commissioning His disciples to “go and do” before ascending out of sight to Heaven always freaked me out. Whew! I’m glad that I’m not Jesus’ disciples—there’s no way I could do what He commanded them! Then I grew up. I learned that following Jesus makes me His disciple!

Matthew 28:18: “Then Jesus came to them [the eleven disciples] and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”

Are you kidding me, Jesus?

Nope. This means you, too. But fear not, daughter. My Spirit dwells within you and is providing you at least one gift that will enable you to complete your task. I heard His voice unmistakably in my head. After my body quit shaking, Scripture taught me that what I’d just heard is true. Year by year, the feeling of inadequacy evaporated. Finally, I was ready to obey Jesus’ command of what we call “the Great Commission”, above.

Jesus knew all about the human tendency to feel inadequate (in-AD-e-quet, meaning insufficient). The purpose of His Holy Spirit, as Helper, enables, energizes, and equips believers to serve the Lord. Our heavenly Father has a ministry in mind for each one of His children. So His “Spiritual” equipment gift—planted before our birth—is selected to enable us to carry out His work. These special capabilities and talents combine, orchestrating harmonic music of service for God’s glory. That pleasant sound floats upwards and outwards--pleasing God--and is observed by others.

When the Great Commission door opens for you, will you trust God to provide the courage and strength to enter into new, unfamiliar territories?

Take Home Nugget

Failing to obey God’s commands, refusing to walk through doors of new opportunities have consequences. Do you really want to hinder God’s work on earth? What blessings that He has in store for your obedience will you miss? What rewards in heaven will be absent?

Even the smallest, least significant job is crucial in our obeying Jesus’ Great Commission command. What’ll your contribution be? Relying on the Holy Spirit’s power enables us to “go and do”.
Facing overwhelming commands is another way that God sifts.
As we pass through the process towards righteousness
Embrace and develop Holy Spirit’s gifts.
The orchestrated harmony proclaims your steadfastness.

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Great Commission Gift
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Works=Not Enough

Romans 2:6, 11
“God will give to each person according to what he has done…God does not show favoritism.”

“No, Briana!” Briana’s Mom said, her eyes firm, mouth in a straight line. Briana pulled the cord, staring straight into her Mom’s face, and the lamp crashed to the floor.

Obeying authority is clearly not what human beings do naturally—ever since the first disobedient act—when Eve bit into the apple (Genesis 3:13). Obedience is a choice. Just because many people generously and freely give help to others does not mean that their good works are a “get out of hell free” card. No way! Respecting one’s elders, following directions, obeying commands are all learned behavior.
No individual is condemned by what he does. Condemnation comes because of who he is—someone whose nature is bent away from God. People choose to sin because it is our nature to do so. (Remember Eve). People are just naturally rebellious. Submission to authority is taught. And this is a lesson we all must learn—unfortunately, most must learn it the hard way.

There is no one sinless, good enough, or wise enough to please the Lord.
Scripture is clear: Romans 6:23 states, “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” Therefore, we all have sinned. No one is exempt. Until the moment of salvation, (when a person accepts Jesus’ gift of forgiveness for sins), we are dead in our sins (Ephesians 2:1). This means that our spirit is lifeless apart from Christ, even before physical death.

Therefore, we are unable to save ourselves, good works are not enough! Good works—serving others, giving whatever is needed—is a product of our gratitude for God’s lavish gift of eternal life with Him through faith in Christ.

Justification (acceptance) by the Father comes to believers through grace because of their faith in Christ. To those who persevere in doing good works seeking glory for God, He gives honor and immortality. To those who are self-seeking and reject the truth, following evil, there will be wrath and anger. Said another way: There will be trouble and distress for everyone who does evil; but glory, honor, and peace is reserved for everyone who does good (Romans 2:8-10).

So, what is your choice of lifestyles?

Take Home Nugget

One creature I know that strives to please and obey their masters is our pet dogs. How much more does our Father want to bless us when we obey Him!
Holy Father, I admit to You my guilt,
Gladly accepting Your grace.
Mold my life and help me grow
Until I behold Your face.

J.D. Griffith

Friday, April 9, 2010

Our Highest Calling

John 1:12-13
The Message: “But whoever did want Him, [Jesus Christ], who believed He was who He claimed and would do what He said, He made [them] to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves.”

God created people for His glory. He delights in forming intimate relationships with every one of His children. His Son, Jesus, fulfilled the Father’s redemptive plan for His way-ward kids. As the first-born, Jesus’ resurrection paved the way for our resurrection—predicted on the Father’s Kingdom calendar. But how can we be sure—you detective Sherlocks—who’re seeking proof before swallowing this sugar pill?

Jesus provides us proof. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the exact replica of the Father, having performed the Father’s very words and deeds (John 5:19, 12:50, Hebrews 1:3). Jesus showed us our Father by living among us. He demonstrates how to relate to our Father.

Invitation arrives by Scripture messenger. God invites us to join His family (John 3:16). How will you R.S.V.P His invitation?

Adoption is the closest tie we can form with another, other than being blood- related. At salvation, upon receiving Jesus’ gift of forgiveness of sins, we’re adopted into God’s family. This sets us up for forming intimate relationships with our parent, Father God, and brother, Jesus. Family relationships are eternal, providing members support, encouragement, and love.
Friendship develops through building relationships with one another. By calling His disciples friends, Jesus advanced their relationship to another level (John 15:15). This applies to Jesus’ future relationships—us! Jesus is the best friend we have. He’ll never desert us—no matter what.

Presence is what kids crave with family members. In the instant a child accepts Jesus as Savior, God’s presence indwells Jesus’ newest sibling. That’s even closer than an earthly family member could ever be!
How will you respond on God’s R.S.V.P.? Aren’t you thrilled at His invitation? Wait, there’s more…

Take Home Nugget

Our Father invites us into His family through faith in Jesus Christ. Our highest calling is to believe in Him and live for Him every day of our lives (John 20:31). After being members of God’s family, His Spirit will work in us towards making our family resemblance unmistakable—in thought, word, and deed.
J.D. Griffith
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me—
All His wonderful passion and purity!
O Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Heart of the Cross

1Corinthians 1:18-30

V.18: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

The cross--while foolishness to some—represents God’s brilliant plan for His children’s salvation. His heart is at the heart of the cross.
Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God, is risen from the dead! Hallelujah!

We celebrate Jesus’ conquering sin and death. For us!!! Now that’s power! Let’s celebrate our victory of salvation—by the power of God’s grace and love—at the heart of the cross.

God’s righteousness is revealed through Jesus’ sacrifice—shedding His blood to satisfy the penalty of sin. God’s unconditional love for us is proven by Jesus’ dying for sinners, even for those who reject Him. God’s faithfulness is exposed in John 3:16: Redemption won at great cost, for every person who believes in Jesus. Believers are eternally secure because the price Jesus paid is the heart of the cross.

And that’s not all. Satan is disarmed (Colossians 2:15). Satan lost authority over believers, who gain strength from the Holy Spirit to resist him. We can stand firm against temptation. The Holy Spirit guides us to victory. Our victory is achieved through faith in Jesus—the authority behind the heart of the cross.

Celebrating Easter is the reason we’re Christians. Jesus is King in our lives because of the Father’s awesome plan for our eternal salvation: Jesus rose from the dead; we will rise from the dead. Jesus sits at the Father’s right hand in Heaven; our eternal destination is Heaven.

Celebrating Easter is the heart of the cross.

Take Home Nugget

Believers have a ready answer when someone asks, “Why wear a cross?” It’s not as silly as the world thinks, because the world cannot believe the Bible truths. We wear a cross because it represents God’s heart. We have confidence and security of salvation today, tomorrow, and forever. God’s love streams from a cross that was erected over 2,000 years ago—the heart of the matter and the reason for our faith.

J.D. Griffith

We are more than conquerors
Through Him who loves us so;
The Christ who dwells within us
Is the greatest power we know.


A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Friday, April 2, 2010

Debt Rescue=Holy

Colossians 2:13-14
The Message: “Going under the water was a burial of your old life; coming up out of it was a resurrection, God raising you from the dead, as He had Christ. When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive—right along with Christ. Think of it! All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ’s cross.”

Baptism, debt relief, and Springtime of New Beginnings signify the hope people grasp in the dark three hours of Good Friday (Matthew 27:45). During Christ’s agony hanging on the cross, we worship Him as Savior, Priest, and King.

While adults recognize that material indebtedness reflects badly on their credit report, sin-debt is a much worse problem. Those who live in the “flesh” (See Spiritual Hierarchy devotion: Flesh Man, category C), are constantly tempted to rebel against God. This affront to the Father’s Holy nature translates into debt we owe—debt that we cannot repay without believing in Christ and accepting His forgiveness. This permanently cancels sin-debt—past, present, and future.

Before Jesus came to earth, the ancients sacrificed perfect animals in sin-payment. This sacrifice would absolve an entire nation’s sins for a year. Only the Priest could enter the Holy of Holies room--where God dwelt—in those days.
Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection changed everything. He became our High Priest, whose sacrificial death made holy anyone who trusts in Him as Savior.
Although Jesus never has to repeat this atoning sacrifice for our forgiveness, He currently sits at the Father’s right hand and intercedes on our behalf (Hebrews 7:24-25). Permanently. Twenty-four-seven. Jesus’ debt payment reconciled (REC-on-siled, means accepted consented) Holy Father to His believing children.
Although the cost to our Savior was enormous, He freely paid the price we owed. Taking upon Himself OUR SINS, He rescued us from permanent death by paying our debt in full.

Take Home Nugget
The moment we receive Jesus as Savior, His atoning work is credited to our account. We become God’s kids, co-heirs with Christ. In an instant, we’re changed from debtors to inheritors (1Peter 1:3-4).
May this truth saturate your soul, and influence your thoughts, attitudes, and choices.

Won’t you pledge, with me, the sentence, below?
J.D. Griffith

“Oh Lord, I now admit my guilt,
And I accept Your grace;
Transform my life and help me grow
Until I see Your face.”

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff