Friday, April 9, 2010

Our Highest Calling

John 1:12-13
The Message: “But whoever did want Him, [Jesus Christ], who believed He was who He claimed and would do what He said, He made [them] to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves.”

God created people for His glory. He delights in forming intimate relationships with every one of His children. His Son, Jesus, fulfilled the Father’s redemptive plan for His way-ward kids. As the first-born, Jesus’ resurrection paved the way for our resurrection—predicted on the Father’s Kingdom calendar. But how can we be sure—you detective Sherlocks—who’re seeking proof before swallowing this sugar pill?

Jesus provides us proof. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the exact replica of the Father, having performed the Father’s very words and deeds (John 5:19, 12:50, Hebrews 1:3). Jesus showed us our Father by living among us. He demonstrates how to relate to our Father.

Invitation arrives by Scripture messenger. God invites us to join His family (John 3:16). How will you R.S.V.P His invitation?

Adoption is the closest tie we can form with another, other than being blood- related. At salvation, upon receiving Jesus’ gift of forgiveness of sins, we’re adopted into God’s family. This sets us up for forming intimate relationships with our parent, Father God, and brother, Jesus. Family relationships are eternal, providing members support, encouragement, and love.
Friendship develops through building relationships with one another. By calling His disciples friends, Jesus advanced their relationship to another level (John 15:15). This applies to Jesus’ future relationships—us! Jesus is the best friend we have. He’ll never desert us—no matter what.

Presence is what kids crave with family members. In the instant a child accepts Jesus as Savior, God’s presence indwells Jesus’ newest sibling. That’s even closer than an earthly family member could ever be!
How will you respond on God’s R.S.V.P.? Aren’t you thrilled at His invitation? Wait, there’s more…

Take Home Nugget

Our Father invites us into His family through faith in Jesus Christ. Our highest calling is to believe in Him and live for Him every day of our lives (John 20:31). After being members of God’s family, His Spirit will work in us towards making our family resemblance unmistakable—in thought, word, and deed.
J.D. Griffith
Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me—
All His wonderful passion and purity!
O Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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