Friday, October 29, 2010

Ascension Day

9 of 12
Luke 24:50-51
“When He [Jesus] had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was taken up to heaven.”

Jules jumped up and down after throwing the ball to Bobby at recess. Her fairy costume’s wings bounced, glistening in the sun. “Are you guys going Trick-or-Treating tonight?”

“You look like you could really take off flying when you jump, Jules” Bobby said, wearing a tuxedo. “I’m slightly overdressed for playing ball, you know,” and threw the ball to Miguel. “I’m supposed to go to the Community Center’s Haunted House tonight,” tipping his top hat to her.
A sailor named Miguel caught the Bobby’s throw, saying, “Be careful tonight, Jules. How cool to have Halloween “Trick-or-Treat night be Friday? I’m going to my church’s party, because my folks don’t trust pranksters in our neighborhood. You do look like you could fly in that outfit, Jules!”

Catching Miguel’s throw, Jules said, “I sure wish I could fly. Wouldn’t that be too cool?”

Bobby scooped up Jules’ grounder, saying, “I knew this one guy…wouldn’t it have freaked you out watching Jesus ascend to heaven?”

Miguel caught Bobby’s throw, and said, “Yes, I think I’d have stared looking at the sky until He disappeared into a dot, and then—gone! WOW! I hope Jesus will descend where I can see Him.” He tossed the ball to Jules asking, “What’s your take on resurrection and going to heaven, Jules?”

“Oh, lots! Like I told you, The Feast of Trumpets, remember? There’s rumored to be a Rapture, and Messiah’s coming.” Jules tossed the ball into her own glove continuing to speak, eager to share. “It’s also about Judgment Day and Resurrection. I think it would be cool to see God toss the devil in the Abyss, as we’re taught during our ‘Day of Atonement.’”

Bobby and Miguel walked closer so they wouldn’t miss anything. “Tell us” they said together, all eyes.

“‘Our ‘Feast of Tabernacles’ celebrates Messiah reigning one thousand years. But, but, I never told you about “The Eighth Day! Well, 8th Day is also called the ‘Last Great Day.’ And there’s supposed to be a final judgment of all people on earth (Revelation 20:11).

Take Home Nugget
Jules couldn’t stop once she got going, her excitement evident. Christians have the same prophesy as the Jewish people. The two are sister religions—each with their own Holy Days and Festivals—worshipping the same God. Jesus was the Father’s first-born to be resurrected and ascended to heaven, showing us the way to follow Him to paradise.

Won’t you follow? Stay close.
Jesus showed us the way.
Who doesn’t want to follow Him one day?

J.D. Griffith

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