Friday, May 28, 2010

Enough of What?

Luke 12:20-21
The Message: “Just then God showed up and said, ‘Fool! Tonight you die. And your barnful of goods—who gets it?’ That’s what happens when you fill your barn with Self and not with God.”

Luke 23:42-43
The Message: “Then he [the robber next to Jesus] said, ‘Jesus remember me when You enter Your kingdom.’ [Jesus] said, ‘Don’t worry, I will. Today you will join Me in paradise.’”

Both thieves at the crucifixion mocked Jesus at first (Matthew 27:44). Then one changed his mind. This repentant thief had absolutely nothing to offer the Lord—no good works, no faithful service—he wasn’t even baptized. But in his utterly helpless condition, he had enough to avoid eternal death. What did he have, stripped of his clothes, hanging on a cross? He had Faith! In Jesus’ mercy, He saved the man on the spot, recognizing his faith.

Faith in Jesus is the only way anyone is saved.
The guy in Luke 12:16-21 had no faith. He worked very hard, and acquired enough grain to provide for himself for many years. He had enough for himself, but he had no faith. Unbelievers have different approaches to life and death. One group stockpiles wealth for himself and his children, enough for their lifetimes. But then what?

Another group laughs at death. Their existence, while fun on the outside, is meaningless on the inside (1Corinthians 15:32). God proved His point in Luke 12:20. He’s looking for people who fulfill their unique, God-given purpose.

All three of these people lived lives of futility (fu-TIL-i-tee, meaning useless, worthless, pointless). Two were thieves, and one stockpiled stuff. In this life, believers do not labor in order to leave a monetary or legacy of “stuff”. Nor do we waste our days pursuing pleasure. Instead, we help those in need, making a difference in other’s lives. Meeting their need is enough for us. Prior to the repentant thief begging Jesus to remember him, he scolded the other thief (Luke 43:40-42). His heart changed on the spot--believing Jesus was God’s Son—and that was enough.

Futile life to faith in Christ brought salvation and eternal life instantly! He turned in faith to the only One who could save—the one dying on the cross next to him—and that was enough.

Take Home Nugget

Jesus’ empty tomb proves that there’s life after death. For the believer, death is not a frightening end—it’s new life—eternal life beginning when one accepts Christ as Lord. Then his faith is enough—even at the last moment of life.

J.D. Griffith
From Him, who loves me so well,
What power my soul can sever?
Shall life or death, or earth or hell?
No—I am His forever.

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