Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hedge Between Us & Disaster

Job 1:8-22
V. 12: “The Lord said to Satan, ‘Very well, then, everything he [Job] has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.’”

Chris suddenly began shaking. He patted his pockets, even stuffing his hands inside, but his house key was gone! Oh no! Where is it? Dad entrusted me with the key so that I could watch Cindy until he gets home. Panic spread through Chris, chilling his bones that caused the shaking. His panic thoughts brought new information: What now?

We survive on a planet where volcanoes can erupt at any time, exploding the Earth’s delicate crust that provides us a platform on which to walk. And yet, many people are totally unaware that their fragile existence can explode into disaster at any time. The Lord is our hedge, the barricade that protects and guards us from danger.

What if God suddenly removed the hedge, and disaster strikes you? Would your friends assume that you must have done something that deserves disaster, as Job’s did? Friends can be very supportive…at first. They are usually willing to help out, as much as possible—for a little while—as Job’s friends did. But weariness sets in, and their fatigue wilts into apathy (AP-a-thy, meaning lack of interest).

During long periods of misfortune, friends increase their distance from your trouble. Do they feel guilty? Do they think of new ways to blame you? How do we regain our equilibrium (e-qwil-LIB-ri-um meaning balance)? When we feel isolated, alone, and desperate, we still have a friend. Jesus welcomes the faint, the troubled, and the weary in (Matthew 11:28). He promises us rest.

Building a relationship with the creator of the universe has many advantages. While He sometimes allows bad things to happen to good people, nothing can destroy those who trust Christ (2Corinthians 4:9). The testing will advance His child’s faith, spiritual maturity, and growth in Christ-likeness. Jesus wants to know you personally, and help you with all things. Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:35).

God’s angels dance in your earthly victories.
Disaster strikes in lots of ways. Job loss, homelessness, hunger, sickness, death. Disaster is just one thing beyond the hedge that protects and encircles a child of God. Jesus warns, “…In Me, you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33).

Take Home Nugget

Chris retraced his steps. He spied his key on the ground. Holding it up high, he yelled, "Thank you, Jesus"!
Often we simply survive.
Living in Christ, we strive to thrive

J.D. Griffith

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