Thursday, November 19, 2009

Victorious in Death

1Corinthians 15:57
“Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory [over death] through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(PARENTS: You may want to consider whether this devotion is suitable for your very young children.)

“Why did she die?” Raan asked everyone passing by.

A male nurse named Ariel, heard Raan’s plea, and sat down on the hospital floor. “Your name is Raan, right?”

Raan looked at Ariel, and nodded his head.

“I was your sister’s nurse, Raan. Maybe I can help you understand what happened today.”

“What does it mean to die?” Raan asked.

“It means that Sitare’s heart stopped beating, Raan. She can no longer see, hear, sit up, or feel pain.” Ariel said, looking directly into Raan’s eyes.

“Make her better!” Raan demanded, stomping his feet.

“I wish that I could, Raan. The doctors tried everything, but nothing worked. She’s at peace now.” Ariel said softly.

Raan wailed. His balled fists tried plugging the tears that flowed down his cheeks. Ariel held Raan tightly, rocking him, and stroking his hair.

“Come here, son” Raan’s Dad said, scooping Raan into his arms. Sitting down in a chair next to Raan’s Mom, he looked at Ariel. “You cared for Sitare, didn’t you? Thank you for helping Raan. They were very close. At home, when she got sick, Raan never left her side.”

“I am sorry for not being able to do more; very sorry for your loss.” Ariel offered.

“She’s with the Lord now.” Raan’s Dad said. A weak smile flickered across his face. “Raan, your sister is free!” His speech grew stronger with, “Jesus is holding her on His lap. And Grandmear is with them.”

Raan sat up and looked at his Dad. “Grandmear too? Why can’t we be with them on Jesus’ lap?”

“One day, God willing, we will all be together again.” Raan’s Mom said, encircling her arms around her family.

When God raised Jesus from the dead, He guaranteed all believers victory over death, too. Sickness and disease are frightening. Medications don’t always work as is intended. Lots of illnesses have no cure. Many people live in constant pain.
One day, all believers will be free from pain. Their assurance of victory in death is certain.

Take Home Nugget

Funerals often begin with a “Wake”, “Viewing”, or a “Celebration of Life”. People share memories of the deceased, Scripture is read, songs sung, prayers said. Believer’s hope is joyful for unseen future reunions with loved ones.
Check out victory over death in 1Thessalonians 4:13-18.

What is nonbeliever’s hope?

Because Christ is alive, we too shall live.
Faith Icons devotional series will continue November 27, 2009.

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Victorious in Death
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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