Monday, May 25, 2009

Box Seat

Luke 10:39
“[Martha] had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.”

Imagine that you’re floating on a lake inside a rubber boat and fall asleep while soaking up some rays. After awhile you awake and sit up, looking around. You don’t recognize your surroundings, and your hot skin’s glowing ruby red.

This really happens to people—and not only on lakes. We grow comfortable in our surroundings and allow life to proceed “as is.” Before we know it, we’ve been deceived…Perhaps you now think that going to Church EVERY Sunday isn’t necessary. Or, you’re too tired to pray tonight, and fall asleep without disturbing God.
Do you recognize that voice? It’s soothing, and bewitchingly evil.

1Peter 5:8-9A warns, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, stand firm in the faith…” The devil is the voice that eases you away from what you know is right, so resist him, as Peter urges. Besides, drifting can give you a bad case of sunburn—or much worse!

The latest about religion is that our country is drifting away from our Christian roots. USA Today, April 28, 2009, had an article on page 9D entitled, Study finds ever more U.S. religion switching. The reasons people give for changing religions, or abandoning it totally, are seeking to have spiritual needs met elsewhere—or they just “stopped believing.”

The kicker is that 70% said that they just gradually drifted away. Churches have seen a decrease in brand loyalty. People are switching from their childhood denominations of Christianity. 9% said that they came back to their childhood faith after drifting away.

This is the danger of drifting. If you ever feel that your spiritual needs are not being met, speak to a parent, teacher, or clergy. No one will turn away someone who is seeking deeper faith. But don’t drift because you’re bored. Ask the Lord to lead you into greener pastures of faith so that your spiritual journey will continue without interruption.
Mary had the best seat of all, a box seat at the feet of her Lord and Savior.

Take Home Nugget

While there are many attitudes that set people adrift, there is no more meaningful relationship than what we pursue with the Lord. Regardless of your religion, remain true to your faith and remain close to the One Who is the sole source of all satisfaction.

The devil doesn’t care that you have faith, but he hates it when you follow Jesus.

J.D. Griffith
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