Monday, April 27, 2009

Addressing My Audience

Addressing issues about previous devotion, What is Sacred?

When people take good care of possessions, they are demonstrating good stewardship of God’s blessings. The value of blessings is sacred, since blessings are a gift from the Provider. This does not mean that objects are worthy of worship. That makes them idols. We do not worship idols; things are never important enough to worship. Only our Creator is worthy of worship. He is sacred, and He instills in His children an awe of Him. Our attitude of awe for our Creator holds believers in wonder and amazement throughout their lives in everything we do. Our body, as a temple to the Living God, is sacred because it houses Him in the person of the Holy Spirit. (1Corinthians 3:17). Just as valued objects are sacred to us, we are sacred to God when we remember whose we are. We belong to Him! The devotion, What is Sacred? did not mean that things are sacred by themselves. Apart from God, nothing is sacred.
Please continue to address your concerns to me. Thank you for your sincere desire for growth in your spiritual journey. We’re fellow sojourners.
In Him, For Him with love, J.D. Griffith

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