Thursday, July 10, 2008

MOVING ... and trips

Hello, friends.

I just wanted to let you know that Jolene is fine, but making a change. She and her husband are moving from West Virginia to California. That's quite a change and does take some time, so she is technically off line for the month of July and she will be missed.

She faithfully had written some devotions that I could post, but I also have been off line due to family issues have not been able to post them, either.

The last part of July will find me in Colorado (traveling from Iowa) with the church high school youth group at Nation Wide Youth Roundup (NYR) for 10 days. That trip also requires lots of attention and packing. July has and continues to be filled to capacity. So we are taking a bit of a "leave" and Jolene will be back in August with plenty of items to post.

Prayers for safety and God's good will in all these efforts, plans and travel.

As we continue is His service,
Linda Shanks
Bible Study for Kids

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