Friday, October 12, 2007

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Sovereign Lord
V. 26: “This is the plan determined for the whole world; this is the hand stretched out over all the nations.”

"Who ya gonna call?" That was a famous question in the Ghostbusters movie in the 1980’s. The question is relevant today. When troubles surround you, when people are angry with you, when sin is tempting you, when you feel trapped, who are you going to call for help?
There is one answer for all these questions. We are a prayer away from having the most help—EVER—at our fingertips. Our sovereign God stands alone, there is none but Him (Isaiah 44:6). He’s the ultimate teammate, coach, counselor, Father. How comforting to have Him with us rather than against us (Psalm 27:1)?
He is supreme over sin and all its consequences. He doesn’t cause sin to happen, but He does allow temptation to enter our lives. He gave us free will, so it’s up to us to choose how to respond. The best thing is, He retains all control, and weaves the consequences of our actions for His purposes, and our good (Romans 8:28).
God didn’t create us to be robots. There is no glory for Him when we dutifully obey. He wants us to be over comers. That means we persevere through life’s challenges. We don’t change course, branching off into sinful ways. We trust Him to supply our needs. We obey His commands. He promises to lead us to victory.
Sometimes God allows our sin to run its course, other times He stops our action cold. We are a stubborn people—but even when He disciplines our wrong—we’re lead back to Him. Back to repentance when we sin—into welcome arms. Hebrews 12:6 says that we’re to be happy with our Father’s discipline. That means He loves us enough to correct us.
The wisest choice is to fully obey God’s commands. We won’t have to run a weary race down an ill-chosen path, or knock ourselves out slamming into brick walls. It delights our Father to see us sidestep or overcome the minefields of the world.
Take Home Nugget
We would not like it if we were robots. When we make wise choices, our free will glorifies our Father. But making bad choices can bind us to sin, then we’re not free (Galatians 5:1). Don’t let free will tempt you into disobedience. When we make mistakes, our sovereign Lord has power over our past, present and future. We can live confidently that nothing is beyond the reach of our Father’s grace. Now that’s security!

I don’t like to be corrected
Or find troubles that I must face.
But when push comes to shove,
I love feeling secure in His grace.

J. D. Griffith

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