Friday, November 10, 2017

Good Guilt--Regret

Part one of three in Qualification for Blessings series

James 2:10:  “For whoever keeps the whole law yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”

            No one qualifies for God’s blessings because no one—except Jesus—is sinless.   Just because we’re descendants from the first couple who decided to break God’s one rule, we inherited the sin gene (Genesis 3:6-7).  Sin is the worst gene that God’s kids could’ve inherited.  

            For sure, eating the forbidden fruit did awaken the knowledge of good and evil.  As soon as Adam bit into the fruit, both their eyes were opened.  Their first knowledge was nakedness!  (Genesis 3:7).  Being naked is neither good nor evil.  However, evil handling of nakedness IS a sin.

            Our Father punished Adam and Eve because they disobeyed.  He tossed them out of Eden.  This prevented their eating the fruit from the tree of life which preserves life indefinitely.  How sad watching Adam and Eve’s banishment from Eden!  Angels flashing flaming swords ban anyone entering the garden (Genesis 3:22-24). 

            We understand the first couple’s regret.  They must have longed for that perfect place Papa made for them to play and rule.  Ruling was always Abba’s purpose to make people in His image (Genesis 1:27).  Check out the lesson linked below for exciting Scripture that predicts people’s reign under Jesus’ Lordship.

            The couple’s guilt of disobedience went beyond regret—it was sealed as permanent.  Adam knew better!  Adam was held accountable to God because Papa laid out the rules directly (Genesis 2:16-17), before Eve was created (Genesis 2:18, 21-22). 

            Adam overheard Genesis 3:4-5, “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman.  “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good from evil.”

            Adam should have butted in with, “NO!”  Backing the Father, “Dad said that we may NOT eat from this tree!”

            Truthfully, both the man and woman WANTED to bite into the fruit because they wanted to be like God.  If they could be like God, they wouldn’t NEED God.  They both wanted that independence and human knowledge.

            They both got what they deserved.

Take Home Nugget 

            Papa understands that we can’t help but pass on sin.  So, people are given an infinite number of do-overs while on earth.  Thank God for our consciences that blare our guilt of sin so that we may correct mistakes before we regret them!

Holy Papa, Forgive me when I get so full of my own intellect that I “forget” to pray my thanks to you!  I do need you, my God, my Creator who blesses me with a new day and the gifts of breathing and living!  Amen. 

 Adapted from “Jesus is Your Qualification for God’s Blessings” by Joseph Prince.  October 11, 2017.
J.D. Griffith

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