Matthew 14:22-33
Matthew 14:31: “Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ He said, ‘why did you doubt?’”
Please remember this opening Scripture every time you’re frightened, lost or just plain confused. Jesus reaches out His hand and catches us whenever we cry out to Him. We must have faith. Why do believers doubt? We doubt when we look around, living by sight instead of faith.
We just learned that God’s power comes to us when we live outside ourselves. God’s kids have secret access to His power when we live by faith. Weakness is our strength! Jesus said, “My power is made perfect in weakness.” But people hate to admit weakness. But God longs to hear believers confess need for Him.
The wind was howling. Waves tossed the boat around.
The disciples saw Jesus walking toward them on the lake. Peter cried out, “Lord, if it is You, tell me to come to You on the water.” Not IN the water, but ON the water.
Jesus said, “Come.”
“Yah!” we can almost hear Peter’s cheer. He dared to get out of the boat and walk toward Jesus on the water. (Walking by faith, empowered by God).
Then Peter looked around.
Yep. That’s us. When we dare, God empowers. Then we look around.
Peter didn’t miss this divine opportunity. He got out of the boat and walked toward Jesus on top of water. The other eleven stayed in the boat, watching. (See lesson linked below for their awe). Unfortunately, many believers stay in the boat (comfort zone) their whole lives, watching others dare to live by faith.
Believers can be scardy cats, afraid to live by faith. We imagine that we can succeed by ourselves. God created people to function best when we allow His power to overcome our weakness. Peter looked around. Proudly he thought, I’m walking on water! Doubting he thought, The wind is fierce! He began sinking. That’s when he cried out to Jesus for help.
Jesus’ power was sufficient for Peter to walk on water. Jesus’ power is sufficient for you, too. Can you trust that His grace is sufficient so that you dare to accept divine opportunities?
It’s time for believers to get out of their boat. It’s time to stop looking around for excuses to fail. It’s time to stop doubting. Living outside ourselves by faith allows God to overpower weakness.
Jesus reaches out and catches us every time we cry out.
Take Home Nugget
Are you a scardy cat? Or can you live by faith, (how you get out of your boat)? Can you trust God and believe that His grace is sufficient to overpower your weakness?
Have no fear; Jesus is near!
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