Friday, September 20, 2013

Buddy Breathe


2 Timothy 3:16

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”

“I went scuba diving this summer!” ten year old Brad announced to his fifth grade class.

Their teacher, Ms. Deturk said, “Tell the class how you had to train to go scuba diving, Brad.”

Brad bit his lip, and looked around at the class. “Uh, I didn’t train, Ms. Deturk.” Brad confessed. “I just jumped into the ocean with a friend, who had an oxygen tank on his back. We both wore masks and swam with flippers on our feet.”

Ms. Deturk scowled. “That wasn’t smart, Brad,” she said. “Scuba diving can be dangerous. People learn how to use special gear and breathe oxygen through a tube.”

“Yeah, right,” Brad admitted. “But my friend taught me how to buddy breathe. We were just messing around, having fun.”

“Did you dive deep?” Ms. Deturk asked. “There are rules about diving deep and how to surface correctly, you know. Scuba diving isn’t natural.”

Friends do and say all kinds of things in search of having fun. Often we don’t know enough to recognize what’s safe, or what’s dangerous. The younger we are, the more we go for it—regardless of what may happen. But those who grow up reading the Bible, God’s Word sinks into hearts and minds. The longer people study Scripture, the faster God’s teaching becomes natural.

When a friend does something that goes against God’s teaching, the believer should spot that right away. It’s up to us to point out what behaviors God approves, and disapproves. We’re to speak gently when urging our friend to do the right thing. Victorious living in a fallen world depends on following God’s instructions—which only becomes natural the longer we live in obedience to Him.

The Bible is our instruction book.

“What happened when you couldn’t hold your breath any longer, Brad?” Ms. Deturk asked.

“Simple.” Brad said, smiling. “My friend would pass the mouthpiece that was hooked up to the tank to me, so I could breathe. It’s called ‘buddy breathe,’ really cool!” Brad said.

“But you were totally dependent on your buddy!” Ms. Deturk observed.

Take Home Nugget

Everybody understands that there are times when we’re dependent on someone else. And that’s, okay. Babies grow up. As kids grow older, we become increasingly independent. We become proud of being able to do stuff on our own. That seems natural. But it’s not God’s way.

Smart Christians accept—and even cherish—that God wants His kids to be dependent on Him for every need (Philippians 4:19).

Surely, life troubles will never cease,
But our joy will always be:
That thou will keep in perfect peace
Whoever rests oneself in Thee.

J.D. Griffith

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