Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Utmost For His Highest


By Oswald Chambers 7/24/1874-11/15/1917

Ephesians 2:1-10
V. 10: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Oswald Chambers’ influence lives on, long after his death. God uses his book to speak to people’s hearts, pointing out errant ways, even today. His book is still relevant (REL-e-vant means important) because he elevated things of eternal value to a higher priority (pri-OR-i-tee means main concern) than worldly issues.

Unfortunately, many people choose an existence with no eternal significance. Just as we learned in a previous devotion, Anchored-Living: Hope, many people chase after worldly fame and fortune. Pleasing oneself by making as much money as possible stores up riches here on earth. But this is the opposite of what believers are taught to do. Matthew 6:19 says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.”

Hold on to your seat, kids. As weird as this sounds, meaningful living is all about making ourselves available to God, to use us in any way He sees fit. Folks like Oswald Chambers, cast foot-prints in cement here on earth—that extend way past their spheres of influence—by passionately serving the Lord. Seeking ways to express our love and devotion to Him is how we sow our influence beyond our tiny space on earth.

Remember, believers have a dual citizenship, both here on Earth and up in Heaven. (See Parallel Citizenship devotion). “Servant of Almighty God” is part of our identity. Did you take previous devotions, Joint Venture, Higher Reality, and Belief & Action seriously? Are you ready to follow Jesus for the long haul?
If you’re determined, God will assign tasks to you that have eternal value, of heavenly significance for His kingdom. Your inheritance, stored in heaven for you, will never perish, spoil, or fade (1Peter 1:4).

Question: How can we sow broad influence, just as Oswald Chambers did? Answer: By being sensitive to others, especially for those in need—we offer help—even if it’s just listening. When we share our faith, especially to those who hurt, Jesus guides them to love and healing. Regardless of where we are, and what we’re involved with, we can tell others what God’s doing in our lives.

Take Home Nugget

God’s calling you to serve right where you are. Jesus gave us jobs as teachers and evangelists in Matthew 28:19. Yes, His Great Commission is targeted for you and me!

Lord, use us as instruments
Of truth, love, peace, and care.
May we sow encouragement, inspiration,
And love to all with whom we share.
J.D. Griffith

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