Friday, January 14, 2011


Zechariah 12:10-14
v. 10: “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a Spirit of grace and supplication. They will look upon Me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child.”

Christocentric (krist-o-SENT-ric) means Jesus Christ is at the center of everything. This principle of Biblical understanding relates all things to Jesus Christ. He’s the heart, the core, the axis from which everything else is linked. God the Father, angels, the whole universe, the devil, human hopes are all parts of our understanding that can be seen in relationship to Jesus.

Christocentric evaluation of how we view things kind of turns our world upside down, doesn’t it? Perhaps Christocentric relationship of all things known is the most precise way to see things. Every other way to view life is what’s upside down!
We are not at the center, that’s for sure!

As God’s kids embarking on a new year, many of us are following the points made in the previous devotions, Joint Venture, Higher Reality, and Belief & Action. We’ve become partners with the Almighty--branches who get nourishment from the vine of Christ--with a purpose of pleasing the Lord by good works. We’re on board with living by faith, and not by sight. We’re enrolled in God’s school of obedience, and are growing in trust for Him every day. What’s more relevant than to begin to view everything in the world (and beyond) in relationship to Jesus Christ?

The Bible is Jesus’ story. From the beginning to the end (Alpha and Omega), the Bible is Christocentric. The opening Scripture, for example, speaks about Jesus being pierced. This is in reference to Israel’s rejection of Christ as Messiah. At Jesus’ second coming, a remnant of Israel will recognize the One crucified and embrace Him.

The Old Testament book, Zechariah, shows many details of our Savior, as well as predicting the future. By finding Scripture that opens the door to seeing passages about Jesus in the Old Testament, we’re encouraged to look all throughout the Bible for Christ-centered truths.

Take Home Nugget

Keeping Christ in mind—when considering all things—is fun to do. Imagine the kid who gives you a hard time. Ask Jesus to give you a different perspective about this person. You might see that he’s jealous of you, and really wants to be your friend. Won’t you two enjoy remembering your rough beginning, after you’ve become good friends?
Jesus Christ is the key that unlocks both the Word of God, and your own story.
J.D. Griffith
Some have read God’s holy Book
But failed to see its glory;
That’s because they didn’t know
It’s really Jesus’ story.

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