Tuesday, November 2, 2010


10 of 12
Acts 2:1-4
The Message: “When the Feast of Pentecost came, they [the disciples] were all together in one place. Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force—no one could tell where it came from. It filled the whole building. Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them.”
Many Christians wear red to worship on Pentecost Sunday—honoring the Holy Spirit’s arrival to the disciples and new believers in Jerusalem. Imagine the disciples’ delight in recognizing this wind was what Jesus had promised would come (John 7:39)! What did they do while awaiting the Holy Spirit, after Jesus’ ascension? They decided to find a replacement for Judas, who left them after he betrayed Jesus (Matthew26:17-49).
Miguel wondered, What would Bobby and Jules say about Pentecost?

First throw went to Bobby, since Jules was late. “Do you wear red to church on Pentecost Sunday?” Miguel asked throwing the ball to Bobby.
“Kingdom Hall--why would I wear red?” Bobby asked, catching the ball.
“Don’t you celebrate Pentecost Sunday, when the Holy Spirit first came to the disciples?” Miguel asked.

“Nope” Bobby replied. “Should we?”

Jules arrived, pounding her fist inside her glove. “Whatcha talking about?”

Bobby asked as he threw her the ball, “Do you wear red to Synagogue on Pentecost?”

“No, silly. We celebrate Shavuot with green!” she said, catching the ball. “But that’s in Spring.”

Bobby, being a Jehovah’s Witness Christian, doesn’t honor Pentecost Sunday as a Holy Day. Jules, being Jewish, does celebrate Shavuot, their Pentecost. She’d wear green in honor of the agricultural Holy Festival. Pentecost (PENT-i-cost means fiftieth) is the seventh (meaning complete) Sabbaths after FirstFruits, arriving at “new grain offering” in the Jewish tradition. The Holy Day Shavuot coincides (KO-in-sides means agrees) with Pentecost in the Christian Church—seven weeks after Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Seven Sabbaths plus one day to worship = 50.

“Aren't we a great team, or what?” Jules asked her classmates. “We disagree on everything—religion, Holy Days, even what color to wear. But one thing’s for sure—we’ll be fantastic ball players come springtime!”

Take Home Nugget

Shavuot celebrates receiving the Law, and is when children begin Hebrew study in Synagogue. Reading Song of Songs, and serving milk, Shavuot compares receiving the Torah (Jewish Bible) to milk. Christian Pentecost celebrates receiving the Holy Spirit, and is often when children are confirmed in the faith. Somehow, God manages to reconcile (REK-on-sile means merge, or resolve) His children’s faith to Himself—regardless of our differences.

Instead of pointing out differences, let’s celebrate God by worshipping Him in love for each other.

J.D. Griffith

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Written for http://www.biblestudyforkids.com/

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