Genesis 4:1-7
V. 2b: “Now Abel kept the flocks, and Cain worked the soil.”
Genesis 4:1-7
V. 2b: “Now Abel kept the flocks, and Cain worked the soil.”
“Isn’t it time for us to present our offerings before the Lord?” Abel asked his brother Cain as they began a new day.
“Yeah, whatever” Cain responded.
“Aren’t you grateful for the Lord’s abundant blessings to us?”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“Meet you at sundown to present our gifts, then?” Abel inquired.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Abel prepared fat portions from a firstborn lamb (Genesis 4:4), as dusk settled upon their day. He wrapped the fat inside the lamb’s skin and brought it meet Cain.
Cain harvested fruit from one tree which had fruit that ripened a couple days earlier. Why is working the soil so hard? He wondered. The fruit ripens so quickly, and I’m too busy to get it all harvested before it begins decaying. Oh well, this will just have to do. What does the Lord need with my offering, anyway? Can’t He get His own fruit—when it’s perfect?
They met together at the designated place of worship. ”Hey Cain!” Abel greeted his brother.

“Yeah, whatever” Cain responded. “Let’s get this over with.”
“That fruit smells weird…Is it acceptable?”
“Whatever” Cain said. “It’s the best I could do.”
Abel knelt on the ground, and lifted his lambskin with the fat portions up high. “Almighty Lord, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and all things we see before us, have mercy on us. Accept this gift offering in gratitude for Your abundant blessings. With thanks and praise, I serve You every day.”
Cain knelt beside Abel, and lifted his harvested fruit up high. “Holy Lord, here’s Your offering. Thanks a lot.”
The men parted then, and God spoke to Cain. “Your offering is not anything I'll accept. Try again, son.”
Cain asked Abel, the next morning, “Want to see for yourself how quickly the fruit ripens? Come with me, brother.”
“OK” Abel agreed...It was the last thing Abel did.

Take Home Nugget
Before Cain killed his brother, Abel, the Lord tried again to win his heart. “If you had done the right thing, your offering would have been accepted, too. When you refuse to obey Me in your heart and action, sin has already won.” (Paraphrased from Genesis 4:7).
God never refuses a heart that’s surrendered to Him.
Lord, when I worship You with praise,
My heart’s already surrendered to Your ways.
Make my offerings of love
Be worthy of Your blessings from above.
J.D. Griffith
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