Isaiah 55:1-6
V. 2: “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.”
Isaiah 55:1-6
V. 2: “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to Me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.”
“There” Timmy said, as he fit a piece into the jigsaw puzzle. “Where’s the last piece, Greg?”
“Good question, Tim.” Greg combed the floor underneath the card table. ”Where could it be?”

Watching the rain drizzle steadily, Timmy said from the sheltered patio, “One thing’s for sure, no swimming today!”
“Figures.” Greg grumbled. “What else could go missing?”
“What’re you talking about?” Tim looked into Greg’s eyes, then back at the rain. “Besides our losing almost two weeks of summer fun to make up snow days in school, what else is missing?”
“Besides the puzzle piece?” Greg nitpicked. “Not sure…but I just feel empty, somehow.”
“Want to toss ball?” Tim suggested.
“Sure. The ball’s in the chest.”
Tim opened the lid to the treasure chest-looking toy box. After digging around, he flipped a baseball in the air. “What’s really bugging you, Greg?”
“Not sure” Greg caught Tim’s ball and tossed it back. “I guess that kid—Marshall—freaked me out. Did you see his reverse dive off the high diving board?” (See Garlic and Diamonds devotion).
“Yeah, sure did! He made me feel totally lame by jumping into the water feet first.”
“We didn’t talk about that.”
“Nah, why point out the obvious?”
Sometimes we pursue the wrong things when something’s missing (in our beings). Despite our knowing and worshipping God, (on the outside), He’s not the central hub—around which we plan every aspect of our lives. When we feel distant from God, things seem to fall apart. As one’s life begins to crumble, it’s easier to yield to sin. Even observing good manners is difficult.
Isaiah reminded the Israelites to focus on God. When God’s kids eat and drink what is good—reading and studying the Bible—life’s missing piece falls back into place. God wants us near, and will find a way to get our attention when we drift away.
“We should have at least congratulated Marshall, right?” Greg wondered aloud.
“Yeah, we could have…even though he’s younger. He’s very talented.”
“That’s what’s bothering me!” Greg admitted. “And he’s new. We could have made him feel included, welcome…Look! Here’s the missing piece to our puzzle!”
“Cool!” Tim said…”But I hear you, Greg. We didn’t treat Marshall decently, did we?”
Take Home Nugget
Greg fit the missing piece into the now completed puzzle. “Yeah, I’ll feel better when we make it up to him the next time.”
God-shaped void in our hearts cannot be filled with treasure;
For only God satisfies our souls in ways we cannot measure.
J.D. Griffith
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