Friday, April 16, 2010

Great Commission Gift

1Peter 4:10

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in various forms.”

Hearing Jesus’ commissioning His disciples to “go and do” before ascending out of sight to Heaven always freaked me out. Whew! I’m glad that I’m not Jesus’ disciples—there’s no way I could do what He commanded them! Then I grew up. I learned that following Jesus makes me His disciple!

Matthew 28:18: “Then Jesus came to them [the eleven disciples] and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”

Are you kidding me, Jesus?

Nope. This means you, too. But fear not, daughter. My Spirit dwells within you and is providing you at least one gift that will enable you to complete your task. I heard His voice unmistakably in my head. After my body quit shaking, Scripture taught me that what I’d just heard is true. Year by year, the feeling of inadequacy evaporated. Finally, I was ready to obey Jesus’ command of what we call “the Great Commission”, above.

Jesus knew all about the human tendency to feel inadequate (in-AD-e-quet, meaning insufficient). The purpose of His Holy Spirit, as Helper, enables, energizes, and equips believers to serve the Lord. Our heavenly Father has a ministry in mind for each one of His children. So His “Spiritual” equipment gift—planted before our birth—is selected to enable us to carry out His work. These special capabilities and talents combine, orchestrating harmonic music of service for God’s glory. That pleasant sound floats upwards and outwards--pleasing God--and is observed by others.

When the Great Commission door opens for you, will you trust God to provide the courage and strength to enter into new, unfamiliar territories?

Take Home Nugget

Failing to obey God’s commands, refusing to walk through doors of new opportunities have consequences. Do you really want to hinder God’s work on earth? What blessings that He has in store for your obedience will you miss? What rewards in heaven will be absent?

Even the smallest, least significant job is crucial in our obeying Jesus’ Great Commission command. What’ll your contribution be? Relying on the Holy Spirit’s power enables us to “go and do”.
Facing overwhelming commands is another way that God sifts.
As we pass through the process towards righteousness
Embrace and develop Holy Spirit’s gifts.
The orchestrated harmony proclaims your steadfastness.

J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Great Commission Gift
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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