FAITH ICONS: ISAAC (Part 4 of 6)
Genesis 21, 22, 25, 26, 27
Genesis 21:6: “Sarah said, ‘God has brought me laughter…’” Isaac means he laughs.
Genesis 21, 22, 25, 26, 27
Genesis 21:6: “Sarah said, ‘God has brought me laughter…’” Isaac means he laughs.
Abraham was a hundred years old, Sarah was ninety, and Ishmael was thirteen when Isaac was born. (Genesis 17:17, 24).
“Dad, no!” Isaac shrieked.

Isaac trusted Abraham—and got on top of the stone slab—until his Dad raised his knife up high above Isaac’s chest.
Could Isaac hear the angel’s command to not harm the boy? (Genesis 22:12). What thoughts must have run through Isaac’s head?
“There’s our burnt offering, son” Abraham said, pointing to a thicket. The brush caught a ram’s horns fast (Genesis 22:13).
This is our first glimpse of Isaac. Trust is the name of the game, and Abraham’s faith legacy passed to his son. Isaac was 37 years old when his Mom, Sarah, died (Genesis 23:1), and he grieved. One day, Isaac went to a field to meditate and saw camels approaching. (Meditation, before the Bible was written, meant to ponder what spoken history says about God).
Isaac watched a woman cover her face with a veil, and jumped to his feet. His spine tingled as the camels drew close (Genesis 24:62-66). (Abraham sought a wife for Isaac from his native land).
“Meet Rebekah” the servant said. “She is your Dad’s great-niece (Genesis 24:24).
“Great!” Isaac said, reaching for her hands. “Will you marry me, Rebekah?” Mom, you’d love her! he thought, leading Rebekah into his tent. (Genesis 24:67).
Isaac, forty years old when he married Rebekah, prayed for the Lord to bless them with children (Genesis 25:20-21). Twin boys were born to them when Isaac was sixty years old. Isaac favored Esau (reddish color, body covered with hair, skilled hunter); Rebekah loved Jacob (quiet, stayed around the tent). (Genesis 25:24-27).
During a severe famine, Isaac traveled to Gerar to see Abimelech, king of the Philistines. God told Isaac to live in this land for awhile, promising to be with him and bless him (Genesis 26:1-6). Soon Isaac had grown too powerful for Abimelech, and was ordered to leave (Genesis 26:16).
Isaac moved to the Valley of Gerar and settled there. After settling well water issues, he planted crops. He flourished as his flocks and herds multiplied greatly. Abimelech, learning of Isaac’s wealth and power, signed a peace treaty with him (Genesis 26:17-31).
Isaac lived to be 180 years old. Esau and Jacob reunited to bury their Dad. (Genesis 35:29).
Take Home Nugget
Without faith, it is impossible to please God—because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists—and He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6).
J.D. Griffith
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