John 14:6
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
John 14:6
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
What did Jesus know at His birth in human form?
We learned that Jesus always was, and will always be. (See God’s Biography devotion, John 1, 14). Awaking as a human baby, what were His first thoughts?
God sent His Son to mankind in human form so that Jesus would know first-hand what it’s like to be human. And God’s children would never be able to accuse the Almighty, ”You don’t know what it’s like being human!” The point was for Jesus to show us how to live a sinless life. Only then would Jesus be an acceptable sacrifice to reconcile sinful man to Holy God.
Jesus agreed to be born in human form, surrendering His divinity as God. He did this out of love for us—knowing that His mission was two-fold. 1.) Coming to earth as a baby meant that He’d live exactly what we experience—from birth through death. Would He have to learn everything we humans learn—from His first human breath?
As an infant, did He realize that He could call down Angels to escape His mortal body? What were His first words, and how long before He said them? Was He quicker than a normal baby to do anything?
He certainly showed mankind a tangible image of Almighty God—one whom we can touch and see.

2.) After living a sinless life, His second mission was to die. For us.
When did He remember that? How depressing would it be if we’d know at birth that we’d have to die? But did Jesus rebel? He knew, at age twelve, to remain in His Father’s house. (Is this where He felt most at home?) Mary discovered Him missing on the return home to Nazareth from Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-50).
Jesus must have known far more than He let on to His earthly parents. He may have grown into Kingdom knowledge as He grew physically and emotionally. He lived in perfect obedience to His earthly parents and to His heavenly Father. He left home at age 30—when most Hebrew guys got married—to begin His ministry.
The Bible’s New Testament study shows believers how to imitate Master Jesus.
Take Home Nugget
God-in-human-flesh is the bridge that we cross to the Father. It is impossible to earn salvation; it is the awesome gift from God--only through Jesus. Believe in Jesus, and be saved.
Christ is the path, and Christ is the prize!
Dedicated to Marvin and Berry Dries, who led me to Christ as an infant.
J.D. Griffith
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