Romans 13:1-14
The Message V.1: “Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order.”
Romans 13:1-14
The Message V.1: “Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order.”
God does not differentiate between the secular (SEC-u-ler, meaning “of the world”), and the spiritual. So, how can believers—as citizens of a country—be set apart from the world?
Every existence is ranked in order of value. Hierarchies (HI-RA-ark-ees) establish various places for each living thing. You may have learned of the “food chain”. Lions, being near the top—feed on lesser life forms—cascading all the way to the bottom. (The smallest particle known today, in subatomic protons and neutrons, are quarks—the size of a dot).
God’s pecking order places humans just beneath the angels in Hebrews 2:7—ranked very high in the food chain.
Besides the food chain, humans are also subject to the government. What different kinds of government exist in the world? Dictatorships represent a single tyrant ruler. Royal government has a king, or queen, who is born to rule over commoners. Democracy is signified by social equality, with citizen vote choosing a leader. Every government has leaders who are given their positions by the Lord. (Daniel 2:21).

Believers and unbeliever citizens behave differently from each other.
God’s Word details believers’ responsibilities as citizens. #1: Law-abiding. Regardless of whether people think the laws are unjust, believers are expected to obey them. What do you think the ratio is between godly and ungodly people in prison?
#2: God desires His children to pray for the country’s leaders. 1Timothy 2:1-5 urges believers to make “entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings…for kings and all who are in authority.” This is so that we may lead tranquil and peaceful lives, “in all godliness and dignity.”
#3: Our actions and words should demonstrate a righteous influence on the government. This means to avoid acting and speaking with a superior, arrogant, or superior attitude. Rather, we’re to cooperate with others in humility. Collaborative (ko-LA-bor-a-tiv means mutual, shared) working together within the system can effect healthy change.
#4: Always remember that our first allegiance is to the King of kings.
Take Home Nugget
S Salve
A Additive
L Light
T Taste
Jesus called His followers to be “the salt of the earth” in Matthew 5:13. Salt changes food’s flavor (taste). It is often a healing agent (salve). As a preservative (additive), it makes a difference. Representing the gospel, we shine (light). Can you be SALT to your community?
J.D. Griffith
Lord, help us to obey Your Word,
To heed Your still, small voice;
And may we not be swayed by men,
But make Your will our choice.
D. De Haan
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