Thursday, July 2, 2009


Psalm 42
V. 5: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your trust in God, for I will yet praise Him, my savior and my God.”

Jonathan asked his friend, Sid, “You’re coming to my 11th Birthday Party tomorrow, aren’t you?”

Sid jumped off his bike, letting it fall to the ground. “You’re having it at the swimming pool, right?”

“Yep. Bathing suites, balloons, burgers, and Birthday Cake!”

“Girls, too?”

“Yeah. I just hope that it doesn’t rain.” Jonathan looked skyward; his smile became a frown.

The weather prediction for the 4th of July was gloomy. Regardless of best-laid plans, bad weather could wipe out Jonathan’s party.

Does this remind you of your dreams? Regardless of solid planning and good purposes, do unexpected events often develop that prevent you from reaching your goal?

Hope is secure only when it’s aligned with God’s will. Jonathan may not find in Scripture whether God desires sunny weather for his Birthday Party. Will he and his friends be disappointed when their expectations do not coincide with God’s plan?

In what do we place our hope to ensure victory? What’s the best way to respond if we’re disappointed?

The answer is to place all our personal individual dreams under the umbrella of supreme hope in God. Because we’re certain that He wants our best in all things, we can rest easy—regardless of any outcome—positive that God never makes mistakes.

We have no absolute promise from the Lord that what we desire is His will for us. Even when our hope is based on a Scriptural promise, the Lord may fulfill it differently, or at a time that we don’t expect.

The key to contentment and joy is trusting in God’s sovereignty. His ways and thoughts are not our ways, and always beyond human understanding. (Isaiah 55:8).

Take Home Nugget

Too often, we’re like little kids who always want candy. Our Father has a history of dashing the hopes of His children—only to replace them with greater things. He knows what is best for us in every circumstance and at every point in our lives.
The best that we can do is to prayerfully ask Him to clarify and direct our desires so that they coincide with His plans. This way, our joy is complete—regardless of the outcome.

May our desires remain consistent with God’s plan.
May our fondest hopes be realized as true.
Regardless of circumstances, we know that God can!
Whatever’s the best is what He will do.

May God’s will be peaceful resolution for the nations of the world as USA celebrates its Independence Day.

J.D. Griffith

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