Monday, March 23, 2009

Bible Precision

2 Timothy 3:14-17
Vs. 16: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.”

Critics of the Bible have built reputations on pointing out inconsistencies—often glaring, in their opinion. These critics disagree over which sections are inaccurate. Some argue over certain phrases, while others want to delete entire books. This puts believers in an insecure position when defending Scripture to scholars—and laymen.

Here’s an answer to aid us in defending our belief in the Bible’s inerrancy: “I know that the Sovereign God of the universe has no problem keeping His Word pure. I trust God to be the final authority on this issue. And for that matter, God is the final authority in every issue that affects my life.” Would this work for you?

When a person reads the entire Bible from cover to cover, the Old Testament reveals the highlights of the New Testament. Each part complements the other. With the various authors’ backgrounds and viewpoints, the appearance of differences surface. God allows diversity and even delights in His children’s uniqueness—since He made us different from one another, our differences often scream His glory!
Close study of the Bible clearly demonstrates how so many distinctive books create a medley that is compatibly congruent. (kom-PAT-a-bly kon-GRU-ent). (harmonic agreement).

For example, the gospels are written by four different men, and offer four different perspectives to the same stories. Matthew, the Jewish scholar, emphasizes history and the fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Mark ushers us breathlessly through his eye-witness account of Jesus. He urgently plants seeds of truth—clearly passionate about our salvation. Luke, a physician and missionary companion of Paul, is a vigorous champion of the ones who feel like “outsiders” in the faith. John focuses on Jesus’ love for all people. Jesus, our Savior, willingly died for the world, and His love reaches out to embrace us in John’s books.

While these men accompanied Jesus in His ministry, their writing displays superficially dissimilar viewpoints—which offers us great value. What’s important is to recognize that fundamentally, the four gospels are consistent with each other. We can depend on their accounts being reliable.

Take Home Nugget

A flawed book could only be the product of men, but the Bible is the authoritative Word of God. His Spirit led whoever’s hand was holding the pen.
Does this help your belief that what’s written in the Bible is true—for certain?

Following the compass of God’s Word keeps us safe from spiritual shipwreck.

J.D. Griffith
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