Psalm 119:9-16
Vs. 11: “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”
Psalm 119:9-16
Vs. 11: “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”
A plumb (PLUM) bob is a weighted line that guides a builder to construct buildings that are straight and true.

Every house, office, and shop needs rooms with walls, ceilings, and floors that synch (SINK) together. Without a guide, builders would create configurations that don’t work—nothing would meet at corners perfectly. Doors wouldn’t close, drawers would open automatically or not open at all, rooms would be lopsided.
This reminded Charlie Riggs about lives that wander away from God’s Word.
Charlie Riggs was the man who directed counseling training sessions as an outreach program for the evangelist Billy Graham. He taught thousands of people the basic principles of getting to know Christ and live by His Word. His goal was for people to grasp Biblical principles and live their lives by sharing their faith in Christ with others.
He likened plumb bobs to keeping our hearts lined straight and true to Scripture.
Divine principles studied in the Bible teach believers how to live a life of victory in Christ. By keeping their lives aligned to the prescripts (PRE scripts) in Scripture, their attitudes remain unchanged—no matter what life circumstances may be.
Charlie Riggs taught people to measure their own thoughts, feelings, and behavior by God’s Word, instead of the other way around.
Charlie Riggs’ teaching life was steady behind God’s Word and the great evangelist. His life challenges us today to hide God’s Word inside our hearts and let it guide our lives.
This is how to live a life as a plumb bob—straight and true.
Take Home Nugget
Charlie Riggs lived past ninety years. His life-long practice was to memorize Scripture. His long productive life is an example to us, and challenges us to a life that not only hides God’s Word in our hearts, but to live according to His teaching.
The Bible: Know it in your head, stow it in your heart, show it in your life, sow it in the world.
J.D. Griffith
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