Hebrews 4: 11-16
Hebrews 4: 11-16
Vs 13: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”
Can you say the word laryngoscopy? Lar-en-GOS’-ko-pe. This is a procedure where a doctor discovers what’s wrong in your larynx, or voice box. Your voice box is in your throat. Place your finger on the base of your neck and hum. Feel the vibration? That’s where your larynx is. When a person has pain while talking, a doctor will feed a tiny lighted camera down through the mouth into the throat. This reveals whatever problem is causing the pain.
God’s Word is like this procedure, laryngoscopy.
Scripture invades the unseen areas of our lives. As His Word penetrates into our very souls, diseased and damaged spiritual tissue is exposed. If you’re wincing, uncomfortable with this divine light, consider Jesus’ words in John 3:20: “Everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come out into the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.”
This procedure is thorough!
When God penetrates into our dark places, healing begins. Spiritual health is the result. God pierces through our external lives and sees down into our thoughts, intentions, and motives.

This piercing intrusion may be uncomfortable, but do we really want to live with the disease of damaged lives? As children of the Living God, we’re cherished. He longs for us to welcome Him into our hearts so that He can heal our broken, shattered lives. He wants us to be whole.
Won’t you let God’s Word explore your inner being?
Take Home Nugget
We know when something is wrong in our lives, don’t we? When Father God, our Great Physician, diagnoses our trouble, we do not need an appointment. He’s available 24/7. He is standing by to hear your call. His remedy is sure to heal all trouble, repairing broken lives down to the smallest detail.
J.D. Griffith
Ever present, truest Friend,
Ever near Thine aid to lend,
Guide us as we search the Word,
Make it both our shield and sword.
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