Romans 12:10-22
Vs 10: “Be devoted to one other in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Romans 12:10-22
Vs 10: “Be devoted to one other in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

Brad slammed his locker door and turned to see Jeremy coming towards him. “Hey Jeremy, you’re making good time on those stilts” he said with a smile.
“Well, yeah, it gets easier every day.”
Speaking into Jeremy’s ear Brad said, “Sorry for laughing at you when you fell the other day. I’m sure you didn’t think it was funny.”
“No I didn’t think it wasn’t funny, but I think I know how it must have looked. I probably would have laughed at myself—if I could have seen me.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t mean to make fun of you. Those stilts make it so you can come to school, but you can’t carry anything.”
“I’m glad Mrs. D. allows me to bring my books in the backpack. It’s funny how you call my crutches stilts. I like that. It makes me feel tall.”
Brad smiled and placed his hand on Jeremy’s shoulder. “I’m glad that you’re not mad at me, Jerm. I never mean to hurt your feelings.”
“Brad, we’ve been friends since Kindergarten. You can say anything to me. My first day on crutches, er stilts, was just too hard for me. I lost my funny bone.”
Brad laughed out loud. “Your funny bone wasn’t what you lost, Jerm. You lost your balance! Ever since Vinny brought his pistol from home, you’re the first kid who is allowed to bring a backpack into the classroom.”
“Yeah, I know. Mrs. D. is cutting me some slack.”
“Well, I want to help you, too, but don’t want to butt into your business and make you mad at me.”
“Brad, it’s me—Jerm! You are always welcome to butt into my life. When I don’t like something you do or say, I’ll just bop you upside your head. That way you’ll know when you made me mad.” He was smiling, teasing Brad.
“OK, deal” Brad said smiling back and nodding his head. “Just tell me when I can help you.”
“Here’s something you can do for me. Find out what’s up with Scotty.”
“Yeah, I will. He deliberately whacked my shins with his hockey stick yesterday. What was that all about?”
“Was that how he won the game at recess?”
“Yes it was!” Brad said, shaking his head. “I almost forget about that.”
“Let’s ask him what’s up. I caught him in a lie yesterday. Is this what grown- ups mean by nipping trouble in the bud?”
Take Home Nugget
Vs 12-13 say: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
Do these passages reflect your personality?
Good friends can work through trouble.
Opposite sides can share a single view-
One picture instead of double,
Two people work towards what’s true.
J.D. Griffith
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