Ephesians 4:1-8
Ephesians 4:1-8
Vs 1-3 “As a prisoner of the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Following the “Growing Faith” series, Jeremy persisted in battling through trials that led him to his goal of playing football after breaking his ankle. He is looking forward to next year as a sixth grader. Day by day, he continues to mature, learning to walk in step with God. As a young man who has put his faith in God and believes Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son, Jeremy is beginning to realize that his life is expanding in ways he’d never dreamed.
Pastor Ron taught him that he is sanctified. That means that he is set apart from the world to serve God.
“Oh, I am special!” Jeremy exclaimed, smiling—evidence of his delight. But his salvation, while not earned, comes with obligations. Out of gratitude for having the assurance of being sealed as a child of the Almighty, Jeremy found out that he wanted to do good all the time. He discovered that giving is way better than receiving. His life of service came with accountability, but he didn’t sweat that. He was in sync with God.
By studying hard and earning good grades, he won the respect of his teacher.
By helping his teammates and following his coach’s drills, he earned the admiration of his schoolmates.
With his consistent positive attitude and wearing a grin, he won approval and affection by everyone.
In short, Jeremy’s conversation, character and conduct reflected Christ.
Jeremy is walking in step with God, and this synchronization radiates when others look at him.
How can we get in sync with God? Surrendering our lives to God allows Him to direct us and lead us to victory. Believing God, trusting Him and obeying His commands sensitizes us to where we can “see” God. Learning to use our radar and discerning what is not of God, we see things that distract our being in sync with Him.
Being in step, or in sync with God means a relationship of being “right on.” You and God are simultaneous—working on the same things at the same time.

The world is totally out of sync with God. (1John 5:19b).
Take Home Nugget
Is your life a reflection of being an ambassador of Christ? Does being a child of God, knowing that you are set apart, and that you’re brother or sister to all believers make you feel special?
How do you view your salvation? Do you believe that you are “sanctified” to do good works for Christ?
I’m not sure how I feel about being set apart.
Being like everyone else is nice.
Indwelling Holy Spirit is a good start
Reminding me my purchase was at a high price.
J.D. Griffith
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