Romans 12:18
Romans 12:18
"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."
When someone asked John D. Rockefeller, (senator of West Virginia), what is the most valuable skill for employees to possess, he said, “The ability to get along with people.”
We may agree with him. Everyone knows a person who is “difficult”. A person who continually argues, nit picks, and is disagreeable is hard to take—even in small doses. Jesus gave us a command to love one another. But how do we love difficult people?
This important skill is necessary to learn as we walk with Christ. After we learn how to interact with troublemakers, we can pour our energy into different aspects of living. Resolving conflict and putting out personal fires can become second nature to them who follow Jesus. We can follow His model:
1. Matthew 22:18 shows us how to refuse to play games. Jesus realizes He can’t please all people. Make boundaries and stand firm by them. When someone dares you to do that which you know is wrong, walk away. Sometimes no answer speaks louder than using words.
2. We’re to learn how to refuse unrealistic expectations. Playing is fun, but when it conflicts with promises already made, it’s better to decline. It is harder to make amends to someone after breaking a promise than it is to reschedule another time that doesn’t conflict.
3. Matthew 5:38-39 teaches us to “turn the other cheek” when someone hurts us. That means not getting even. We’re not to strike back when someone hurts us.
Give anger a rest by giving the other person some space to calm
down. It takes two people to argue. Walking away ends the debate.
4. It never feels good when someone is angry at us.
Disagreements will happen.
Sometimes the other person refuses to see our point.
Matthew 5:44 offers a solution: prayer.
When we lift our concerns to the Lord in prayer, He will open the eyes of people. Sometimes it is me who needs to learn a lesson, and then I must admit my error.
Take Home Nugget
Romans 12:18 says, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” This seems to be at the heart of the matter.
Striving for peace will offset anger. When friends recognize your ambition is peaceful, they will be eager to work with you.
Some people are easy to click with a bond.
Others take every chance to fight.
Some are folks with whom we are fond,
Others need prayer to do what’s right.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Difficult People
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
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