Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jesus Launches His Ministry

Matthew 3:13-4:23

Around age thirty, when all the other males’ parents had secured them wives, Jesus had another plan. He sought to fulfill prophecy and all the things that had been written about Him. His entire life on this earth was spent in obedience to the Father

Jesus found John at the Jordan River and asked to be baptized. John was amazed that the Son of the Living God would come to be baptized by him, a lowly peasant wearing camel’s hair tied with a belt. (Matthew 3:4).

John protested, but Jesus said, “Let it be so now, it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented to baptize his cousin, the one for whom he felt unworthy to carry sandals. (Matthew 3:11).

When Jesus came up out of the water, the Spirit of God descended like a dove and landed on Him. The heavens were opened and a voice said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with whom I am well pleased.” Ahhhh. Jesus must have smiled broadly at this.

This was Jesus’ public demonstration of “whose He is” to the world. He belongs to His Father. The same is true for us, and our baptism declares the same. Wouldn’t it be great if we were as obedience as Jesus showed us how to be?

Not only that, but after His baptism, Jesus followed the Spirit’s lead into the wilderness. He knew this was going to be a harrowing forty days. Weeks of fasting and being tempted by the devil showed Him to be without sin. This is another lesson to us—to endure what is required without complaining, but with integrity of purpose.

After this experience, Jesus began His ministry, calling the Disciples to follow Him. He knew the path that had already been preordained for Him, and He followed that path—without sin.

Take Home Nugget

We are blessed with free will to choose obedience or disobedience. Jesus could have chosen to disobey His Father.

Our Father—because He chose to give His life for us on the cross. Jesus did not rebel against His path. Thank you, Jesus, for willingly laying down Your life for us! If we knew the hardships that are in our future, would we be tempted to rebel?

Leap day comes once every four years. What will you do with this “extra” day?

Thank you for showing how to be in perfect obedience, Lord.
Never easy, our lives can be pleasing to our Father, we sigh with relief.
It’s good that no one can see into our futures; who would dare to ford
Life through times of uncertainty, doubt and disbelief?

J.D. Griffith
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