Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Matthew 26, 27, 28:1-10, Mark 15:38
Matthew 28:6: “‘He is not here, He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.’”

When Jesus was born, He became our promise for forgiveness of sins and everlasting life. Jesus was born knowing He has the keys to everlasting life. Jesus sacrificial death on the cross became God’s new covenant with us, His children.

Jesus faced problems that were frequent and abundant. People often didn’t accept Christ as their Messiah. He was ridiculed, challenged, and finally crucified.

We tackle problems by living in this sinful world. Often, we are ridiculed for being Christians. Our goal is to follow Jesus by the way we live. Our problems seem to grow larger the older we get. The more we learn, the better we’re able to handle our problems successfully.

We aim for the promise at the end of our lives here on earth. This new covenant comes with a sacrifice and a meal. Covenant, Sacrifice, Meal. Sound familiar? It is sister to Promise, Problems, Provision. This New Covenant is everlasting, too.

Jesus ate the Passover feast with His disciples before He was crucified. Jesus spoke to them about His being betrayed. He told them about His upcoming death. He gave them wine which He said was His blood. He gave them bread which He said was His body. He told them that He wouldn’t drink wine again until He’d drink it with them in His Father’s kingdom. He willingly laid down His own life to complete His covenant with our Father. For us.

When Jesus gave up His spirit and died on the cross, something unparalleled happened. The temple curtain (or wall) tore, eliminating the division between the sanctuary where people worshipped, and the Holy of Holies, where God’s presence was. This is God’s new covenant with His children.

We are no longer separated from our Father. Jesus’ sacrifice made it possible for us to come into our Father’s presence. No longer do we sacrifice animals in worship. Jesus’ atoning death on the cross is acceptable sacrifice for the Father. Jesus took our sins with Him to death, and now we can be one with our Father. Forever. That’s a provision we’re guaranteed with God’s New Covenant.

Take Home Nugget

God’s provision to His Son, Jesus, was resurrecting Him from the dead. We, in turn, will be resurrected from the dead. We will all live forever in a new Eden, called Heaven. This provision will be more wonderful than we can imagine.

The wounds Jesus took for our sake
Were as deep as a lake.
But He welcomed the pain
To provide for our gain.
J.D. Griffith

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