Part five of seven in I AM devotional series
John 14:5-14
John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
Jesus had just finished telling His disciples that He would be leaving. He said they wouldn’t be able to follow Him where He was going YET. And they were sad. Their frowns prompted Jesus to tell them about heaven. Jesus was going there to prepare a place for them. He promised that He’d return for them, and take them there, Himself.
He said that they’d know where He was going.
But Thomas didn’t get it. “Lord, we don’t know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5).
(Could Buddy have sniffed Jesus’ presence, and follow—from I Am the Light devotion)?
Jesus would be going home soon. As happy as He was about being reunited with the Father in heaven, He knew the next few days would be brutal. (He’d be betrayed, tried, and sentenced to death on a cross). But Jesus never concentrated on Himself. He came to love people and introduce us to the Father. He explained to Philip in verses nine and ten:
“Don’t you know Me Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father...Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and that the Father is in Me? The words I say to you are not just My own. Rather, it is the Father, living in Me, who is doing His work.”
We’re not too different from Philip. Do supposed Christian hearts beat for Jesus, our lives dedicated to His kingdom glory? (There are people around the world who die for that privilege every day)! How do we know the way, when our lives are distracted to go this way or that?
Have you ever asked for directions? Were they confusing? Go to the stop light and turn right, then left at the next street. Turn left at the third street, then make a quick right. The place is at the end of the second street, but you must go around the circle to go straight.
Once again, Jesus makes it simple for us to find our way. Jesus is the way—no turning right or left, just follow Jesus.
Take Home Nugget
It’s always better when someone says, “I’m heading there myself. I’ll take you.” Jesus is the way. That means that He’ll take us—personally escort us—where He went. Our job is to not turn to the right or to the left, just follow Jesus.
Even a scent-sniffing dog can’t find its way to heaven without Jesus.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for I Am the way
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Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
I Am The Light
Part four of seven in I AM devotional series
John 9:1-41
John 9:5: “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
We haven’t checked in on our kids
lately. (Jeremy, Brad, Cassie, Shakira, Miguel). Today, nine year old Miguel brought his dog Buddy to the swimming pool. Buddy has something he wants to show us. Dog’s sense of smell is sharper than their eyesight. That’s why they smell people. They follow scents with noses directed on the ground. When a dog knows your scent, he remembers you forever—so don’t mistreat him.
Dogs seem to have an instinct about people, too. Perhaps dogs can see the light of Christ in people—and sense when His light is missing? Followers of Jesus walk in His light.
One time Jesus healed a blind man on the Sabbath. The man had been born blind. That provided Jesus a teaching moment for His disciples. John 9:3: “‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened that the work of God might be displayed in his life.’”
Townspeople harassed the man—who had begged all his life—and suddenly could see. He answered their questions truthfully, but couldn’t name who healed him. So they hauled him before the Pharisees—who also dragged his parents in for questioning. “He was born blind,” they confirmed.
It seems that they couldn’t satisfy the Pharisees, who really objected the Sabbath healing (John 9:6, 18-21, 24-34). “The healer must be a sinner, who works on the Sabbath,” some Pharisees said. Others said sinners cannot perform miracles. So they were divided. Those who rejected the miracle became spiritually blind. Those Pharisees walked in darkness.
I think that Buddy instinctively would have disliked those Pharisees.
Buddy sniffed a couple seventh graders who walked towards the swimming pool gate, and began barking at them. Miguel passed the seventh graders on his way back outside to see what was wrong with Buddy. One of them said to Miguel, “Take your stupid dog home before I kick him!”
Buddy growled.
Take Home Nugget
Jesus heard that the Pharisees threw out the former blind man. He found him and asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” (John 9:35).
The man replied, “Tell me so that I may believe in Him.”
Jesus said, “You have now seen Him; in fact, He is the one speaking to you.”
The man believed. He worshipped Jesus, and began walking in His light.
Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into the world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
Jesus’ judgment divides people between those who see and believe and those who’re spiritually blind and reject Him.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for I Am The Light
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Part four of seven in I AM devotional series
John 9:1-41
John 9:5: “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
We haven’t checked in on our kids

Dogs seem to have an instinct about people, too. Perhaps dogs can see the light of Christ in people—and sense when His light is missing? Followers of Jesus walk in His light.
One time Jesus healed a blind man on the Sabbath. The man had been born blind. That provided Jesus a teaching moment for His disciples. John 9:3: “‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened that the work of God might be displayed in his life.’”
Townspeople harassed the man—who had begged all his life—and suddenly could see. He answered their questions truthfully, but couldn’t name who healed him. So they hauled him before the Pharisees—who also dragged his parents in for questioning. “He was born blind,” they confirmed.
It seems that they couldn’t satisfy the Pharisees, who really objected the Sabbath healing (John 9:6, 18-21, 24-34). “The healer must be a sinner, who works on the Sabbath,” some Pharisees said. Others said sinners cannot perform miracles. So they were divided. Those who rejected the miracle became spiritually blind. Those Pharisees walked in darkness.
I think that Buddy instinctively would have disliked those Pharisees.
Buddy sniffed a couple seventh graders who walked towards the swimming pool gate, and began barking at them. Miguel passed the seventh graders on his way back outside to see what was wrong with Buddy. One of them said to Miguel, “Take your stupid dog home before I kick him!”
Buddy growled.
Take Home Nugget
Jesus heard that the Pharisees threw out the former blind man. He found him and asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” (John 9:35).
The man replied, “Tell me so that I may believe in Him.”
Jesus said, “You have now seen Him; in fact, He is the one speaking to you.”
The man believed. He worshipped Jesus, and began walking in His light.
Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into the world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”
Jesus’ judgment divides people between those who see and believe and those who’re spiritually blind and reject Him.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for I Am The Light
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I Am God's Son
Part three of seven in I AM devotional series
John 8:58 9:1-41 (John 14, 15)
John 8:58: “‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am!’”
Do you believe that Jesus is God? He used the exact words to the Jews—during a debate in John 9:48-59—that the Father used for Moses to tell the Israelites that “I AM sent me to you,” in Exodus 3:14. Then, Jesus argued His point in John 10:36:...“what about the one whom the Father set apart as His very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse Me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son?’”
What fun—Jesus confirms Himself as God’s Son to the very people who’s picking on Him--whom He came to save! The Jews typically picked on Jesus. That’s not imagery, that’s fact. We can sympathize with Jesus wanting to broadcast outright—“I am God’s Son!”
How long do you try to get someone to believe you before you give up? No one can make anyone believe anything—and everyone has an opinion about everything! That’s why Jesus often used imagery to teach people spiritual truths. Other times, it’s best just to blurt out the truth.
Jesus was famous for upsetting apple carts.
Jesus caused a riot in Bread of Life devotion when He continued speaking in the synagogue in Capernaum. John 6:53-55: “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise Him up at the last day. For My flesh is real food and My blood is real drink.” See the apple cart tip over, tossing apples to the ground?
Many people who couldn’t understand eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking His blood stopped listening to Him, and walked away (John 6:66).
But Jesus’ chosen twelve stayed. Peter blurted out their defense in John 6:68-69: “Lord, to whom should we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” Peter may well have said, “Bring it on Jesus! We’re as radical as You—and are with you all the way!”
Jesus first administered Holy Communion to His disciples—giving bread (wafer) for His body and wine (or grape juice) for His blood—in Matthew 26:17-29. Believers accept these spiritual truths. But the world cannot believe them. Jesus’ words still cause many to flee, today.
Take Home Nugget
When believers tell others about Jesus, we can use imagery to teach spiritual truths too.
Whoever can’t believe in Jesus, refuse taking His body and blood, can’t have eternal life.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for I Am God’s Son
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Part three of seven in I AM devotional series
John 8:58 9:1-41 (John 14, 15)
John 8:58: “‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am!’”
Do you believe that Jesus is God? He used the exact words to the Jews—during a debate in John 9:48-59—that the Father used for Moses to tell the Israelites that “I AM sent me to you,” in Exodus 3:14. Then, Jesus argued His point in John 10:36:...“what about the one whom the Father set apart as His very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse Me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son?’”
What fun—Jesus confirms Himself as God’s Son to the very people who’s picking on Him--whom He came to save! The Jews typically picked on Jesus. That’s not imagery, that’s fact. We can sympathize with Jesus wanting to broadcast outright—“I am God’s Son!”
How long do you try to get someone to believe you before you give up? No one can make anyone believe anything—and everyone has an opinion about everything! That’s why Jesus often used imagery to teach people spiritual truths. Other times, it’s best just to blurt out the truth.
Jesus was famous for upsetting apple carts.
Jesus caused a riot in Bread of Life devotion when He continued speaking in the synagogue in Capernaum. John 6:53-55: “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise Him up at the last day. For My flesh is real food and My blood is real drink.” See the apple cart tip over, tossing apples to the ground?
Many people who couldn’t understand eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking His blood stopped listening to Him, and walked away (John 6:66).
But Jesus’ chosen twelve stayed. Peter blurted out their defense in John 6:68-69: “Lord, to whom should we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” Peter may well have said, “Bring it on Jesus! We’re as radical as You—and are with you all the way!”
Jesus first administered Holy Communion to His disciples—giving bread (wafer) for His body and wine (or grape juice) for His blood—in Matthew 26:17-29. Believers accept these spiritual truths. But the world cannot believe them. Jesus’ words still cause many to flee, today.
Take Home Nugget
When believers tell others about Jesus, we can use imagery to teach spiritual truths too.
Whoever can’t believe in Jesus, refuse taking His body and blood, can’t have eternal life.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for I Am God’s Son
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Bread of Life
Part two of seven in I AM devotional series
John 6:32-59
Verse 33: “For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
Who is named in “For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world”? Come on. You can solve this riddle. Everyone can identify with bread. Sourdough, wheat, rye, pumpernickel, unleavened, white, flat. What is your favorite?
Who is the one who came down from heaven, and offers life to those on earth? God’s Son Jesus came down from heaven. His healing showed God’s love, bringing higher quality of life. His sacrificial death on the cross bought people (whoever believes in Him) eternal life. The obvious answer to the riddle is: Jesus!
Verse 34 shows the crowd’s response to Jesus’ words in the opening Scripture. “‘Sir,’ they said, ‘from now on give us this bread.’”
Then Jesus declared (in verse 35)—are you ready for the next I AM statement? “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
Jesus says something incredible in verse 39: “And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day.” The devil tries convincing believers that they’re too bad to be saved. But that’s not true. Jesus came to do—and finished—the will of the Father. Verse 40 says that everyone who looks to Jesus and believes in Him will have eternal life. This is why Christians can face all kinds of trouble on earth, and yet be filled with inner joy.
That really makes the devil mad!
The Jews freaked when they heard Jesus say that He was the bread of life. “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can He say He came down from heaven?” If anyone grows up knowing someone who later becomes famous, it’s sometimes hard to accept that fact.
Jesus admitted in Luke 4:24, “...no prophet is accepted in His hometown.”
Take Home Nugget
When Christians are given Holy Communion, the wafer is presented as “Jesus’ body.” The wine, or grape juice, is presented as “Jesus’ blood.” This is Jesus’ command in John 6:53: “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink My blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
“Do this in remembrance of Me,” Jesus says.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Bread of Life
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Part two of seven in I AM devotional series
John 6:32-59
Verse 33: “For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
Who is named in “For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world”? Come on. You can solve this riddle. Everyone can identify with bread. Sourdough, wheat, rye, pumpernickel, unleavened, white, flat. What is your favorite?
Who is the one who came down from heaven, and offers life to those on earth? God’s Son Jesus came down from heaven. His healing showed God’s love, bringing higher quality of life. His sacrificial death on the cross bought people (whoever believes in Him) eternal life. The obvious answer to the riddle is: Jesus!
Verse 34 shows the crowd’s response to Jesus’ words in the opening Scripture. “‘Sir,’ they said, ‘from now on give us this bread.’”
Then Jesus declared (in verse 35)—are you ready for the next I AM statement? “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
Jesus says something incredible in verse 39: “And this is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day.” The devil tries convincing believers that they’re too bad to be saved. But that’s not true. Jesus came to do—and finished—the will of the Father. Verse 40 says that everyone who looks to Jesus and believes in Him will have eternal life. This is why Christians can face all kinds of trouble on earth, and yet be filled with inner joy.
That really makes the devil mad!
The Jews freaked when they heard Jesus say that He was the bread of life. “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can He say He came down from heaven?” If anyone grows up knowing someone who later becomes famous, it’s sometimes hard to accept that fact.
Jesus admitted in Luke 4:24, “...no prophet is accepted in His hometown.”
Take Home Nugget
When Christians are given Holy Communion, the wafer is presented as “Jesus’ body.” The wine, or grape juice, is presented as “Jesus’ blood.” This is Jesus’ command in John 6:53: “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink My blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
“Do this in remembrance of Me,” Jesus says.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Bread of Life
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Shepherd to Sheep
Part one of seven in I AM devotional series
John 10:1-16
Verse 7: “Therefore Jesus said again, ‘I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.’”
When God introduced Himself to Moses, “I am the God of your father...” in Exodus 3:6, Moses understood right away. The burning bush confirmed it. Then Moses needed an answer for the Jews he was freeing from Egyptian captivity about who sent him. God told him in Exodus 3:14, “Tell them I AM has sent me to you.” “I AM WHO I AM.” is God’s mysterious statement.
People still wonder, Who is this I AM?
God’s Son Jesus came to show us God. This series hopes to finish Jesus’ “I AM” sentences. Jesus describes Himself with the same “I am,” (in lower case letters), then finishes the sentence several ways. They define Him as our Savior. The opening scripture says that Jesus is the gate.
Jesus was fond of using common things to explain the spiritual. Sheep and shepherd are terms people get. The imagery is perfect. Jesus is Lord—or shepherd for believers—who’re sheep. Haha. Get over yourself! You’re more like a sheep than you’re willing to admit.
The sheepfold had no door that opened and closed, just an opening where sheep entered the pen. The shepherd would make sure all sheep made it safely in for the night, then lay down across the opening to sleep. Hence, Jesus is the gate, or door.
Inside Jesus’ sheepfold, people who chose to make Jesus Lord of their lives are ALWAYS safe. Nothing escapes Jesus’ eyes and ears. He hears His sheep cry out for help every time we’re in trouble. Jesus won’t allow any evil to touch His sheep, because it can’t get past Jesus lying across the gate.
Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd.” in John 10:11. “The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” (Jesus died on the cross so people’s sins can be forgiven). Because God is omnipresent [om-ne-PRES-ent] means everywhere at once, and omniscient [om-NEESH-ent] means all knowing, Jesus’ sheep everywhere in the world are kept safe.
Take Home Nugget
What’s sheep to me? Sheep follow. Sheep wander off. Sheep bleat (cry out). Wolves kill sheep. As Jesus’ disciples, believers follow Him. We often get side tracked by the world. We tend to get into trouble, and cry out for help. The devil attacks believers daily, trying to win souls away from God.
So each time you’re scared, cry out to Jesus. His saving blood marks your door as His sheep. Jesus is your gate to the Father, as well as your door to heaven.
Jesus lays down across the opening daily to keep His sheep safe.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Shepherd to Sheep
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Part one of seven in I AM devotional series
John 10:1-16
Verse 7: “Therefore Jesus said again, ‘I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.’”
When God introduced Himself to Moses, “I am the God of your father...” in Exodus 3:6, Moses understood right away. The burning bush confirmed it. Then Moses needed an answer for the Jews he was freeing from Egyptian captivity about who sent him. God told him in Exodus 3:14, “Tell them I AM has sent me to you.” “I AM WHO I AM.” is God’s mysterious statement.
People still wonder, Who is this I AM?
God’s Son Jesus came to show us God. This series hopes to finish Jesus’ “I AM” sentences. Jesus describes Himself with the same “I am,” (in lower case letters), then finishes the sentence several ways. They define Him as our Savior. The opening scripture says that Jesus is the gate.
Jesus was fond of using common things to explain the spiritual. Sheep and shepherd are terms people get. The imagery is perfect. Jesus is Lord—or shepherd for believers—who’re sheep. Haha. Get over yourself! You’re more like a sheep than you’re willing to admit.
The sheepfold had no door that opened and closed, just an opening where sheep entered the pen. The shepherd would make sure all sheep made it safely in for the night, then lay down across the opening to sleep. Hence, Jesus is the gate, or door.
Inside Jesus’ sheepfold, people who chose to make Jesus Lord of their lives are ALWAYS safe. Nothing escapes Jesus’ eyes and ears. He hears His sheep cry out for help every time we’re in trouble. Jesus won’t allow any evil to touch His sheep, because it can’t get past Jesus lying across the gate.
Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd.” in John 10:11. “The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” (Jesus died on the cross so people’s sins can be forgiven). Because God is omnipresent [om-ne-PRES-ent] means everywhere at once, and omniscient [om-NEESH-ent] means all knowing, Jesus’ sheep everywhere in the world are kept safe.
Take Home Nugget
What’s sheep to me? Sheep follow. Sheep wander off. Sheep bleat (cry out). Wolves kill sheep. As Jesus’ disciples, believers follow Him. We often get side tracked by the world. We tend to get into trouble, and cry out for help. The devil attacks believers daily, trying to win souls away from God.
So each time you’re scared, cry out to Jesus. His saving blood marks your door as His sheep. Jesus is your gate to the Father, as well as your door to heaven.
Jesus lays down across the opening daily to keep His sheep safe.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Shepherd to Sheep
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Friday, July 12, 2013
John 4:7-34
Verse 26: “Then Jesus declared, ‘I who speak to you am He.’”
One day, Jesus had to keep a divine appointment. Jesus began speaking to a woman—a Samaritan woman—of all people! You see, Samaritans [sa-MARE-i-tans] were of mixed blood. The Samaritan race was a product of Jews marrying Assyrian Gentiles. Hostility defined the relationship between pure-blood Jews and Samaritans.
Their relationship was so bitter, that Samaritans refused overnight shelter to the Jews. (The three day journey from Galilee to Jerusalem—where Jews journeyed for religious festivals—passed through Samaria). So, it became Jewish habit to travel east of the Jordan River, skipping Samaria altogether.
Ah, we see that racial prejudice existed in Jesus’ time. [PRE-ju-dis] means unfair, unfounded feelings of disgust towards one race. Jesus came to save Samaritans, too. Honestly! (Jesus always broke man-made rules). No wonder His disciples were confused when they returned to see to whom Jesus had been talking.
When will people love others the way Jesus loves us?
The opening Scripture is Jesus’ response to the woman after she said to Him, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus blew her mind, admitting that He is Messiah!
But this devotion is more than outrage over Jesus’ bold relationship with a Samaritan woman. Remember fourteen year old Michael wanting to impress his Jamaican girlfriend in Be Who You Are devotion? She criticized Michael’s wrong accent trying to sound Jamaican, in front of friends. She was honest—brutally honest—and they all laughed at Michael.
Jesus didn’t embarrass the Samaritan woman in front of His (let me remind you—Jewish) disciples. Nor did they call Jesus out in front of her (maybe so Jesus wouldn’t embarrass them)! There is a way to be honest with people that doesn’t hurt feelings. Mothers are famous for honesty. Moms want kids to be loved by others. Because of their sincere love, they try to speak words that are hard-to-hear lovingly.
For example, “That shirt doesn’t match your pants,” a mom might say privately. We count on friends to be honest, too. Real friends gently speak the truth—even if it’s something we don’t want to hear. That’s one of the reasons that Jesus is our best friend. He doesn’t get side tracked in issues that are not important.
Take Home Nugget
When Jesus gets in our face, He’s addressing deep personal issues. He wants to piece together shattered dreams. He soothes grief, offers new hope, and heals broken hearts. Honestly!
Holy Father, thank You for sending Jesus to be my best friend forever. Help me to learn from Him, and be an honest, loving friend to others. In His name, Amen.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Honestly!
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
John 4:7-34
Verse 26: “Then Jesus declared, ‘I who speak to you am He.’”
One day, Jesus had to keep a divine appointment. Jesus began speaking to a woman—a Samaritan woman—of all people! You see, Samaritans [sa-MARE-i-tans] were of mixed blood. The Samaritan race was a product of Jews marrying Assyrian Gentiles. Hostility defined the relationship between pure-blood Jews and Samaritans.
Their relationship was so bitter, that Samaritans refused overnight shelter to the Jews. (The three day journey from Galilee to Jerusalem—where Jews journeyed for religious festivals—passed through Samaria). So, it became Jewish habit to travel east of the Jordan River, skipping Samaria altogether.
Ah, we see that racial prejudice existed in Jesus’ time. [PRE-ju-dis] means unfair, unfounded feelings of disgust towards one race. Jesus came to save Samaritans, too. Honestly! (Jesus always broke man-made rules). No wonder His disciples were confused when they returned to see to whom Jesus had been talking.
When will people love others the way Jesus loves us?
The opening Scripture is Jesus’ response to the woman after she said to Him, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When He comes, He will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus blew her mind, admitting that He is Messiah!
But this devotion is more than outrage over Jesus’ bold relationship with a Samaritan woman. Remember fourteen year old Michael wanting to impress his Jamaican girlfriend in Be Who You Are devotion? She criticized Michael’s wrong accent trying to sound Jamaican, in front of friends. She was honest—brutally honest—and they all laughed at Michael.
Jesus didn’t embarrass the Samaritan woman in front of His (let me remind you—Jewish) disciples. Nor did they call Jesus out in front of her (maybe so Jesus wouldn’t embarrass them)! There is a way to be honest with people that doesn’t hurt feelings. Mothers are famous for honesty. Moms want kids to be loved by others. Because of their sincere love, they try to speak words that are hard-to-hear lovingly.
For example, “That shirt doesn’t match your pants,” a mom might say privately. We count on friends to be honest, too. Real friends gently speak the truth—even if it’s something we don’t want to hear. That’s one of the reasons that Jesus is our best friend. He doesn’t get side tracked in issues that are not important.
Take Home Nugget
When Jesus gets in our face, He’s addressing deep personal issues. He wants to piece together shattered dreams. He soothes grief, offers new hope, and heals broken hearts. Honestly!
Holy Father, thank You for sending Jesus to be my best friend forever. Help me to learn from Him, and be an honest, loving friend to others. In His name, Amen.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Honestly!
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Be Who You Are
1 Samuel 16:7
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him [Jesse’s son, Eliab]. The Lord does not look for the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”
Fourteen year old Michael spoke with a Jamaican accent, “Me no scrub grill, Mom. Him your man!” Michael said, pointing to Jeremy.
Ten year old Jeremy shot back, “Why are you talking like that?”
Their mom looked at them, curious.
“Me have new girlfriend. This how she speak. Me too, mon.” Michael confessed.
Jeremy and mom burst out laughing. Mom said, “Well, mon, if you want bar-b-qued ribs for dinner, you need to scrub the grill. Jeremy, mon, your love-sick brother needs help!”
Evidently Michael’s Jamaican girlfriend impressed him. Her speech had an accent that he tried to copy. Michael thought he sounded cool. He wanted her to like him, so he practiced speaking like her around his family.
“What’s your girlfriend’s name?” Jeremy asked.
Michael smiled. “Monique,” he said.
Being who you are means to act yourself—no make believe, no pretending you’re anyone else. Being yourself means to act how you believe. If you love yourself the way God created you, being who you are is easy. But you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself.
Do you trust that God never makes mistakes? He made you in His image (Genesis 1:27). He formed you fearfully and wondrously in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-14). God loved you before you were even born! And God loves you unconditionally today—even when you mess up. God checks what’s inside your heart—and still loves you.
Being who you are means to be true to yourself. We need to accept who we are—regardless of how others want to change us. Changing oneself into the mold another cast never wins acceptance, love, or respect. Pleasing others never leads to personal happiness. Trying to be who they are not only confuses people. Self-respect comes from acting naturally—from one’s foundation, one’s inner core. People respect those who have self-respect because they stand up for their beliefs.
But that takes courage.
Each person is unique, [u-NEEK] means one-of-a-kind. That shines through when not trying to squeeze oneself into a mold that doesn’t fit. Believers are already being shaped into the likeness of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:29).
Now that’s you!
And, you look great!
Take Home Nugget
“Hey mon!” Michael greeted his friends at the swimming pool. “Want the high dive jump?”
His friends laughed. Monique said, “Wrong accent, mon!” shaking her head.
B who U R. No one can be you like you.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Be Who You Are
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
1 Samuel 16:7
“But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him [Jesse’s son, Eliab]. The Lord does not look for the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’”
Fourteen year old Michael spoke with a Jamaican accent, “Me no scrub grill, Mom. Him your man!” Michael said, pointing to Jeremy.
Ten year old Jeremy shot back, “Why are you talking like that?”
Their mom looked at them, curious.
“Me have new girlfriend. This how she speak. Me too, mon.” Michael confessed.
Jeremy and mom burst out laughing. Mom said, “Well, mon, if you want bar-b-qued ribs for dinner, you need to scrub the grill. Jeremy, mon, your love-sick brother needs help!”
Evidently Michael’s Jamaican girlfriend impressed him. Her speech had an accent that he tried to copy. Michael thought he sounded cool. He wanted her to like him, so he practiced speaking like her around his family.
“What’s your girlfriend’s name?” Jeremy asked.
Michael smiled. “Monique,” he said.
Being who you are means to act yourself—no make believe, no pretending you’re anyone else. Being yourself means to act how you believe. If you love yourself the way God created you, being who you are is easy. But you cannot love anyone else until you love yourself.
Do you trust that God never makes mistakes? He made you in His image (Genesis 1:27). He formed you fearfully and wondrously in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-14). God loved you before you were even born! And God loves you unconditionally today—even when you mess up. God checks what’s inside your heart—and still loves you.
Being who you are means to be true to yourself. We need to accept who we are—regardless of how others want to change us. Changing oneself into the mold another cast never wins acceptance, love, or respect. Pleasing others never leads to personal happiness. Trying to be who they are not only confuses people. Self-respect comes from acting naturally—from one’s foundation, one’s inner core. People respect those who have self-respect because they stand up for their beliefs.
But that takes courage.
Each person is unique, [u-NEEK] means one-of-a-kind. That shines through when not trying to squeeze oneself into a mold that doesn’t fit. Believers are already being shaped into the likeness of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:29).
Now that’s you!
And, you look great!
Take Home Nugget
“Hey mon!” Michael greeted his friends at the swimming pool. “Want the high dive jump?”
His friends laughed. Monique said, “Wrong accent, mon!” shaking her head.
B who U R. No one can be you like you.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Be Who You Are
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Prisoners of Hope
Zechariah 9:12
“Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.”
Imagine a jail cell in your mind. It’s a happy place. It’s where you run into and lock the door whenever you’re sad, angry, or attacked. The cell is your refuge. Safely inside, you can mock whoever’s prowling around the outside. Like the devil, who always accuses you of something, you can stick out your tongue and say, “Na, Nah, Na, Nah, Nah!”
Sorrow is not allowed in your happy place.
Prisoners of Hope believe that God will deliver every promise He made in the Bible. Regardless of life circumstances, they remain happy. They know to whom they belong, and are grateful for being counted as God’s kids. They pray troubles into Jesus’ capable hands. With hearts full of peace (Jesus’ peace), they sing triumphant songs. They continue on their path doing their absolute best.
Prisoners of Hope laugh at the devil when he reminds them that their situation is hopeless. “I can’t see victory, but I’m already making plans for my party,” they confidently declare.
Prisoners of Hope hold their heads high when reminded of past sins. “That old problem is buried and forgotten!” they explain, dismissing Satan with a wave of the hand.
Yet, too many believers in Christ are sad, freaked, or bored with life. Check out ten year old Jeremy scuffing his sneakers on the cement, kicking stones aimlessly.
His classmate, Brad, screeched his bike to a halt. “Hey Jerm! What’s up?” Brad asked.
“Nuthin,” Jeremy replied.
“Wanna go swimming?” Brad asked.
“Nah,” Jeremy said.
Wanna shoot hoops?” Brad continued.
“Wanna throw football?” Brad pressed.
Jeremy looked up, but shook his head, no.
Brad parked his bike, and grabbed Jeremy around the shoulders. “Comeon, Jeremy. It’s the middle of summer! Let’s have some fun!”
Jeremy smiled. “Thanks for trying to cheer me up.” he said. “Some funk has me down.”
Brad reminded Jeremy, “Remember every day we die to self, we die to sin. We’re alive in Jesus! Let’s celebrate, Jeremy. Today is a gift called the present!”
Jeremy laughed out loud, despite his bad mood and Brad’s corny joke. “You’re right, Brad! I need to lock myself in my happy place for a bit!”
Take Home Nugget
1 Peter 5:8b and 9a says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing strong in your faith...” Your happy place is where your smile returns when you remember that you’re a prisoner of hope.
God’s kids are free from sin, and prisoners of hope and joy.
Wishing everyone in the USA a happy 4th of July Independence holiday.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Prisoners of Hope
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Zechariah 9:12
“Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.”
Imagine a jail cell in your mind. It’s a happy place. It’s where you run into and lock the door whenever you’re sad, angry, or attacked. The cell is your refuge. Safely inside, you can mock whoever’s prowling around the outside. Like the devil, who always accuses you of something, you can stick out your tongue and say, “Na, Nah, Na, Nah, Nah!”
Sorrow is not allowed in your happy place.
Prisoners of Hope believe that God will deliver every promise He made in the Bible. Regardless of life circumstances, they remain happy. They know to whom they belong, and are grateful for being counted as God’s kids. They pray troubles into Jesus’ capable hands. With hearts full of peace (Jesus’ peace), they sing triumphant songs. They continue on their path doing their absolute best.
Prisoners of Hope laugh at the devil when he reminds them that their situation is hopeless. “I can’t see victory, but I’m already making plans for my party,” they confidently declare.
Prisoners of Hope hold their heads high when reminded of past sins. “That old problem is buried and forgotten!” they explain, dismissing Satan with a wave of the hand.
Yet, too many believers in Christ are sad, freaked, or bored with life. Check out ten year old Jeremy scuffing his sneakers on the cement, kicking stones aimlessly.
His classmate, Brad, screeched his bike to a halt. “Hey Jerm! What’s up?” Brad asked.
“Nuthin,” Jeremy replied.
“Wanna go swimming?” Brad asked.
“Nah,” Jeremy said.
Wanna shoot hoops?” Brad continued.
“Wanna throw football?” Brad pressed.
Jeremy looked up, but shook his head, no.
Brad parked his bike, and grabbed Jeremy around the shoulders. “Comeon, Jeremy. It’s the middle of summer! Let’s have some fun!”
Jeremy smiled. “Thanks for trying to cheer me up.” he said. “Some funk has me down.”
Brad reminded Jeremy, “Remember every day we die to self, we die to sin. We’re alive in Jesus! Let’s celebrate, Jeremy. Today is a gift called the present!”
Jeremy laughed out loud, despite his bad mood and Brad’s corny joke. “You’re right, Brad! I need to lock myself in my happy place for a bit!”
Take Home Nugget
1 Peter 5:8b and 9a says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing strong in your faith...” Your happy place is where your smile returns when you remember that you’re a prisoner of hope.
God’s kids are free from sin, and prisoners of hope and joy.
Wishing everyone in the USA a happy 4th of July Independence holiday.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Prisoners of Hope
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Joshua 7:1
“But the Israelites acted unfaithfully in regard to the devoted things; Achan son of Carmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of them. So the Lord’s anger burned against Israel.”
The opening Scripture names Achan as the guilty one who took some of the devoted things. Why is all of Israel guilty because of one man’s sin? Because when one person disobeyed God—everyone was affected—and God was dishonored. What’s their story?
Forty years before, God directed Moses to bring His Hebrew people out of bondage in Egypt. Joshua took over leading the people to the land God promised them after Moses died. But they had to claim the fortified city of Jericho first. Check out Joshua, chapter six.
In Joshua 6:16, the Lord directed the Israelites to march around Jericho seven times. Then, the priests were to sound the trumpets and the people were to shout. Jericho’s wall fell down flat! What an awesome victory! God declared in Joshua 6:17-19 that the city and everything in it were to be devoted to the Lord.
“But keep away from the devoted things, so that you will not bring about your own destruction by taking any of them. Otherwise you will make the camp of Israel liable to destruction and bring trouble on it. All the silver and gold and articles of bronze and iron are sacred to the Lord and must go into His treasury.”
God’s command was clear. What was Achan thinking? Who will see? Who will know? were probably Achan’s thoughts before he stole some things for himself from God’s bounty. How about you? Suppose your mom gave you her wallet and asked you to bring home a loaf of bread.
You check out her wallet, and think of the candy you could buy. You grab a loaf of bread, and check out of the store. Did you also buy a candy bar? Did you tuck a couple quarters into your pocket before returning mom’s wallet? Were you tempted in any way?
God’s serious about honesty and faithfulness. Obviously Achan couldn’t resist stealing a couple things. God warned all of Israel that destruction would come if the devoted things didn’t make it into His treasury. Why do humans naturally want to disobey direct commands? Check out the lesson, linked below, to see what Achan’s sin caused.
Take Home Nugget
The recent devotion, Foul Not, showed God as a jealous God. He won’t tolerate people worshipping any other god. He’s jealous of His most precious possessions—US. Believers are to look out for one another with godly jealously. Let’s not sin like Achan, and bring God’s wrath on everyone.
Private sins invariably have public impact.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for One=All
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
Joshua 7:1
“But the Israelites acted unfaithfully in regard to the devoted things; Achan son of Carmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of them. So the Lord’s anger burned against Israel.”
The opening Scripture names Achan as the guilty one who took some of the devoted things. Why is all of Israel guilty because of one man’s sin? Because when one person disobeyed God—everyone was affected—and God was dishonored. What’s their story?
Forty years before, God directed Moses to bring His Hebrew people out of bondage in Egypt. Joshua took over leading the people to the land God promised them after Moses died. But they had to claim the fortified city of Jericho first. Check out Joshua, chapter six.
In Joshua 6:16, the Lord directed the Israelites to march around Jericho seven times. Then, the priests were to sound the trumpets and the people were to shout. Jericho’s wall fell down flat! What an awesome victory! God declared in Joshua 6:17-19 that the city and everything in it were to be devoted to the Lord.
“But keep away from the devoted things, so that you will not bring about your own destruction by taking any of them. Otherwise you will make the camp of Israel liable to destruction and bring trouble on it. All the silver and gold and articles of bronze and iron are sacred to the Lord and must go into His treasury.”
God’s command was clear. What was Achan thinking? Who will see? Who will know? were probably Achan’s thoughts before he stole some things for himself from God’s bounty. How about you? Suppose your mom gave you her wallet and asked you to bring home a loaf of bread.
You check out her wallet, and think of the candy you could buy. You grab a loaf of bread, and check out of the store. Did you also buy a candy bar? Did you tuck a couple quarters into your pocket before returning mom’s wallet? Were you tempted in any way?
God’s serious about honesty and faithfulness. Obviously Achan couldn’t resist stealing a couple things. God warned all of Israel that destruction would come if the devoted things didn’t make it into His treasury. Why do humans naturally want to disobey direct commands? Check out the lesson, linked below, to see what Achan’s sin caused.
Take Home Nugget
The recent devotion, Foul Not, showed God as a jealous God. He won’t tolerate people worshipping any other god. He’s jealous of His most precious possessions—US. Believers are to look out for one another with godly jealously. Let’s not sin like Achan, and bring God’s wrath on everyone.
Private sins invariably have public impact.
J.D. Griffith
Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for One=All
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for www.Biblestudyforkids.com
For FREE Online Bible Study Resources click here.
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