1 John 5
The Message verse 4: “Every God-begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith. The person who wins out over the world’s ways is simply the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”
“I’m going to ask my Sunday school teacher about following Jesus on Sunday.” Marshall told Miguel at recess from their 2nd and 4th grade classrooms. “Thanks for trying to answer my question about how to follow an invisible Jesus. I just want more!” (See Following Invisible Jesus devotion).
“That’s a great question, Marshall” his Sunday school teacher said. “Let’s try to answer it. Ever since you were born, you’ve been learning. Now you can dress yourselves, eat with utensils, even read—how grown-up! But the most important lesson anyone can learn is how to follow Jesus—or stay on the right path of living. Aren’t we lucky to have God living inside us? That’s how close His Spirit is, although we still can’t “see” Him.
“But through Him, God reveals exactly what we’re to do in every situation. In fact, He promises that He’ll teach us the way we should go, with His eyes upon us!” (Psalm 32:8). But how do we pick the right path when faced with different choices? Sometimes we have to wait for His answers. While waiting isn’t fun, it teaches us stuff, like patience (PA-shens). Waiting also builds character (whatever that means)....But first, we must ask God with a pure heart. That means to forgive everyone anything that made us angry, let hurtful stuff go.
“After repenting of our sin, the prayer phone line is static-free. God can hear us, and we can hear Him without the fog of sin messing things up. God’s Word is the best place—even better than asking a teacher—for finding answers to any question. So keep your Bible open, and close by—because every word in it comes from Jesus" (John 1:1).
“Jesus knows the Bible by heart?” Marshall asked.
“Yes! Jesus IS the Word, Marshall. Pretty hard to understand, but it’s true. Do you believe it? What part of Jesus being God’s Son is hard for you to believe? Don’t believe the devils lies! Just believe in Jesus! Life is hard, kids. Following Jesus changes us from being a victim (VIK-tim mans injured person) to victor (VIK-tor means champion).”
Take Home Nugget
Following Jesus is as easy as reading the Bible, confessing sin, and praying every day. Jesus is invisible right now—but we have the Bible, His Word—to guide us!
Your life is in Jesus’ hand.
But still you want more?
He’s got your every day planned
So follow Him until your journey’s o’er.
J.D. Griffith
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
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