Mark 15:34
“’Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’—which means, ‘My God,
My God, why have You forsaken Me?’”
Mark 15:34
“’Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’—which means, ‘My God,
My God, why have You forsaken Me?’”

Can you hear the anguish in our Savior’s voice? This, in my opinion, is the closest point where Jesus wondered if His willingness to come to earth was worth it. He gladly surrendered His divinity and became human (John 1:14). He learned human limitations cheerfully. He voluntarily chose followers, and walked the earth to places where he was alternatively welcomed and mocked. He never had a home as an adult (Matthew 8:20). His ministry often tested His patience (see for examples: Matthew 23:13-39, Mark 4:13). Jesus’ mission was to live perfectly and die for us (Philippians 2:6-7).
How humans must have frustrated Jesus! But He never complained until realizing that He’d been abandoned by the Father. Why? Again, it’s our fault. We’re the reason for Jesus’ first separation from the Father—ever. Romans 6:23a clearly states that the wages of sin is death. While we enjoy life’s pleasures, can we ignore the fact that our sins caused Jesus this much grief? What else did it cost Him so we could live happily carefree, without the awful burden of sin? For our sakes Jesus suffered…
Physical pain. Before the crucifixion, Jesus was humiliated, mocked, and savagely beaten (See Matthew 26:67,27:27-31, Mark 14:65, John 19:1-3). Weakened, he needed help to carry the cross—the instrument of His death (Matthew 27:32-33). Then He was nailed to it, hands and feet. Being hoisted up and falling into a hole jarred new pain that endured until His excruciating death.
Man’s sin. After living a perfect life, Jesus never knew disgrace or bitter regret. But while hanging on the cross, gasping for breath, Jesus felt the full weight of all our sins (2Corinthians 5:21). What else could we pile onto the One who is blameless?
Abandonment. There you have it. We couldn’t have hurt Jesus more, if we tried. Was Jesus separation from The Father a surprise? Was Jesus shocked by this new torture—so close to surpassing what He could bear? Listen with your Spiritual ears, again, to the opening Scripture.
Divine judgment. Their fellowship broken for the first time since eternity past, Jesus gritted His teeth, and endured—for our sakes. John 19:30 announces that Jesus’ atonement for our sins is done. Thank you, Jesus!
Divine judgment. Their fellowship broken for the first time since eternity past, Jesus gritted His teeth, and endured—for our sakes. John 19:30 announces that Jesus’ atonement for our sins is done. Thank you, Jesus!
Take Home Nugget
Whew! Jesus suffered so much on our behalf, and still loves us more than we can imagine. He died willingly so that we could become part of God’s family.
It’s up to me to yield to the throne of Christ, and bid Him to rule and reign in my life.
J.D. Griffith
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
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