Psalm 16:7-9
Psalm 16:7-9
"Show me the wonder of Your great love, You who save by Your right hand those who take refuge in You from their foes. Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings."
New believers often wonder how to talk to the Almighty. They want to know He’s near.
The Lord has many ways to reveal Himself to His children. He made each person unique, so He approaches everyone differently. He knows what works in getting our individual attention, so He employs varies ways that succeed in flagging us down.

One way works for me, another way works for you.
If you seek the Lord, He will draw near to you. He’ll find a way where you feel His presence, and it is sweet. God speaks to his children. Do you believe that? He surely does. His “voice” is unmistakable. Those who hear Him, remember the message long afterwards.
God sends messages. Ever hear the term “the Lord laid it on my heart”? It is unwise to ignore God’s laying a burden on our hearts. Like Jonah, He’ll bug us until we give in and do what He’s commanding. Delaying to do what it is He’s telling us until a more convenient time is pointless. When He lays a message on our hearts, waiting for another time makes it too late. 

We’ve missed His perfect timing. 

God’s presence is seen through His Word. Meditating on Scripture unveils layers of meaning that were impossible to see the first read through. Sometimes a passage jumps off the page and slaps a person in the face. “Did you get that?” You can almost hear the Father say with a chuckle. Often His children feel His presence.

He knows how to ring our bell and speak directly to our hearts.
Taking the time to listen is another matter.
Take Home Nugget
The Father longs to share Himself with His children so we can find contentment, courage, and joy from Him. Remember, when we delay on acting what God lays on our hearts to do, that’s disobedience.
The Father longs to share Himself with His children so we can find contentment, courage, and joy from Him. Remember, when we delay on acting what God lays on our hearts to do, that’s disobedience.
When we feel alone, not seeing God’s face,
He is nearby hearing, watching, reaching out.
Continue treating others with grace--
He’ll show something that erases all doubt.
He is nearby hearing, watching, reaching out.
Continue treating others with grace--
He’ll show something that erases all doubt.
Dedicated to L.R. Shanks, by J.D. Griffith
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